Author's Note

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It's been a while since my last story but I'm officially back for another round of story telling after my break. I just needed a little time to refresh but I'm here again until further notice. Expect regular updates and more upcoming stories on schedule as per usual. I'm starting off with the request for Blue Diamond since I feel it is long over due but don't worry, I'm slowly making my way down the list of other Steven Universe character requests but do keep in mind, if people are not reading them, I won't waste my time on them and I will unpublish them. For those of you wondering where my Yellow Diamondxmalereader disappeared to, I'm sorry to say that I've been having technical difficulties with it. For more information please see some comments people have posted on my profile page where I have given a more detailed explanation. Hopefully, this Blue Diamondxmalereader story goes well and makes up for the YellowDiamondxreader that I was forced to take down. Without further delay, sit comfortably and enjoy the upcoming chapter.

Steven Universe  ( Ocean Blues) Blue DiamondxMale ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now