I'm outside your door invite me in..

Start from the beginning

"Did you write us our last song?" Nate asked.

"No, I didn't have much time." I said regretfully making Blake sigh. "I might have something though." I said and grabbed my bag on the pool table and rumaged through it only to find a song that I didn't want to do or share that I had written the day after Pete and I had hung out, It was about the night at the cemetery.

"Let's hear it." Nate said after I had pulled the page from my bag and looked over it. Nate was now handing me my acoustic guitar. Patrick hung up the phone and leaned against the walk to watch me. Reluctantly, I began to strum the chords and sing deciding to just go for it. It brought back the ghost of a shell of the way I had felt about Pete. The along was slow and most definitely a love song but very haunting just like Pete had felt to me.

"Show me the ink and tell me the stars shine for only me. Tell me you love me and I'll always be free." I sang as the song ended. There was this really weird pause from everyone and I herd a slow clap coning from the stairs. I looked over to see Pete perched on the railing now slow clapping.

"Well that solves that." Kevin smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked ignoring Pete on the stairs.

"That song was perfect." Nate said.

"I second that." Pete spoke up.

"I can't do a song on stage without you guys, we're a band." I said

"You just aced it and we all have one less song to get through now" Blake said, I was actually surprised that he might of just complimented me.

"Fine" I said admitting my defeat and realizing they had a point.

"I think that's my favorite." Pete said shooting me a glance catching my eyes. He knew, holy crap, he knew. How could he not? The song was riddled with obvious referenced to him. But Patrick didn't know and that's what mattered. "Now let's hear what you guys are having problems with." We played and Pete quickly figured out the bass.

"Trick, will you practice calm before the storm with them so Paige and I can go upstairs and sort out lyrics?" Pete asked picking up my guitar and Patrick nodded. I took a deep breath as I led Pete up the stairs into Kevin's living room.

Pete and I sat quietly on the couch as his eyes ran over my lyric paper. He began to cross things out and write new ones in while strumming the song on the acoustic guitar.

"I know it was about me." He said playing the tune again with his eyes on the paper. In the back ground there was a drowned out but still loud sound of my band playing.

"What?" I said deciding to play dumb, but I was trapped in a figurative corner and I knew it.

"It's about things only we could know, I'm not stupid." He still concentrated on the lyrics.

"What if it was?" I said as more of a rhetorical question.

"If it was, then I miss you. If its not, then It should be." He said still refusing to look at me.

"Pete, Patrick is my boyfriend and I wrote that song before he was. Its not like I'm stuck on you or anything. We just had that one night together." I said harshly and rolled my eyes.

"Then why are you playing it now? You could of just let it go, burned it. You must like being reminded of me." He said slyly.

"It doesn't matter what or who it was about, I like it and the others do too." I said and suddenly noticed he was refusing to look at me.

"Why wont you look at me?" I began getting frustrated with him but he finally looked at me with his big brown eyes.

"Because it hurts. You murdered my heart, I wanted to explain." He said then handed me the paper. "In your song you said for me to tell you I love you." Pete began but I stopped him.

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