Turn Off The Lights And Turn Off The Shyness

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There was only a few days until prom and Amelia and I were supposed to go dress shopping tomorrow. I had put it off due to the fact I really didn't have anyone to go with. Joe offered out of pity, him Amelia and Andy said it wouldn't be cool missing out on it. as I laid in my bed all I could think about was how awkward prom might be if I had to go with Joe. my phones text tone went off. I read it was from Patrick so I opened the message.

"let me in, I will totally beg If I have to." it said making me smile a little.

"start begging." I sent back not forgetting I was still mad at him. seconds later I got a reply.

"that would be awfully hard to do while I'm out here and you're in there so looks like you have to let me in anyway." it said.

"well played. be down in a second." I answered.  I snuck down the stairs and when I opened the door to see Patrick standing there in a red t-shirt, a hopeful smile, and bouquet of daisies.

"for you?" he said reluctantly probably hoping I wasn't still mad as he stuck out the flowers to me. I looked at them and somehow they looked a bit awkward just like him there were only five or six and the stems were all miss matched in lengths making me smile.

"come on" I whispered to him making him step in the house. I held my finger to my lips signaling for him to stay quiet as I closed my front door then headed up to my room as he followed. After I had closed my room door.

"I'm so sorry." he whispered to me.

"I know. its okay now." I said knowing it was the truth.

"I still want you to be my date to prom. I didn't ask anyone else, I didn't want to." he said softly.

"good because I really didn't want to have to go with Joe." I laughed.

"that double crosser." Patrick smiled.

"relax, he didn't want to really go with me either." I said.

"I missed you so much" he spoke the words truthfully and stepped closer to me then wrapped me in a hug that felt like home. this hug made me realize that I missed him too, so much.

"I missed you too." I said as I felt my eyes start yo water and I didn't know why, I didn't understand why sadness all of a sudden hit left like a ton of bricks.

"are you alright?" he said looking concerned. I laughed even though a tear spilled down my cheek, I felt silly for crying and I didn't know why. I didn't know what else to do so I went back I'm for another hug quickly making him laugh.

" you know, girls are so confusing." he said making me laugh again but hug him tighter.

"I just really, really missed you I think." I said after pulling away from the hug. I realized I still had the flowers he had given to me in my hands and I played them on my desk.

"the flowers are very sweet by the way" I smiled at him making him blush and thank me as he looked down at the floor.

"I just wanted to make sure you knew I was sorry and stuff." he said shoving his hands into his Jean pockets. "maybe we could have lunch tomorrow or something?" he asked.

"why don't you stay?" I asked bravely. he blinked at me a few times before he began to stutter.

"I-I um I- yes, I'd love that" he said with glowing bright red cheeks.

"good!" I said happily and crawled into my bed. Patrick carefully slipped off his shoes and took off his glasses and hat.

"you sure?" he asked again "I don't want to get you in trouble or anything." he said.

"its okay" I assured him and he put his glasses and hat on my desk and walked over to my bed lifted up the covers and got in next to me.

"I've never slept in a girls bed before." he said with a nervous laugh. I felt his rough jeans against my pajama pants.

"well I've never had a boy in my bed before so its new for both of us." I countered. everything was silent for a moment I had almost begun to think he had fallen asleep.

"you ever just want to run away?" he asked me.

"sometimes, why?" I asked

"just to get away from the stress. I've always wanted to go somewhere warm." he said.

"me too, with  beach. that would be so cool." I laughed. "and a big house!" I added.

"how about some day we could have that if you wanted." he said.

"don't make promises you can't keep and that's an awfully big promise." I said.

"Well I'm awfully good at keeping promises." he said and put his arm around my waste as he tuned on his side.

"those are just dreams." I laughed.

"even if I can't do it, that's what you deserve. you deserve your dreams." he said.

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