"Works for me!"

"Great!" He checks his watch, "We have five minutes left in class so I say we pack up."


"Eli leave me alone," I groan when Eli sits next to me during AP Stats

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"Eli leave me alone," I groan when Eli sits next to me during AP Stats. Idiot decided not to take algebra 1 in eighth grade so now he has to take math in his senior year.

"But you are so smart and I want answers, so no, I will not leave you alone." He props his feet up on his desk.

"I'm not giving you answers, dickbag." I roll my eyes as I take out my completed homework.

"Watch how you speak to me, I have many ways to torture you at home Pay." He threatens and I resist to urge to roll my eyes again.

"Okay students, today is a work day so I'm going to pass out some worksheets, all of them need to be completed and turned in by the end of class. Any extra work becomes homework and will be counted as late." Our teacher hands out three worksheets and I put in my earbuds and get to work.

I finish one of the worksheets in ten minutes ignoring the continuous tapping from my brother and by the time class is almost over I had finished all of them. When I got up to hand in my papers I peeked over my brother's shoulder to see that he had only completed one of the three worksheets. I smirked at him when I walked back to my seat and he shot me a glare that could put my ten feet under.

Thankfully the bell rang and I sprint out of there and into the lunch room, I'm hungry what can I say?

Once I get my food I plop down at my regular table and take a bite out of my pizza. I moan at the deliciousness of it.

"Woah, we don't wanna know what you sound like when you do the dirty Paige." Elliot jokes and I blush profusely.

"What are you talking about Elliot, she's a virgin and will be until she gets married." I glare at him but am internally laughing. What he doesn't know won't kill him.

"Shut up Eli." I throw a crumpled up napkin at him and he puts me in a headlock and ruffles my hair in retaliation.

"So, four day weekend. What's the plan?" Taylor changes the topic.

"There's probably gonna be some killer partie-"

"No!" We all cut her off with a groan and she slumps back down in her seat pouting.

"How about we go somewhere all weekend, like stay in a hotel or something," Elliot suggests.

"That sounds fun, but the question is, where would we go?" Hayden asks.

"Well, we could always go downtown and go to some teen bars and do shit," Thalia suggests.

"I swear, you always wanna go to some kind of party or bar." Elijah scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"Well, duh. Everything is more fun with alcohol." Thalia says as it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well, I don't disagree but it's not needed every weekend." They continue going back and forth about the topic. I swear they fight more than Eli and I do and that's saying something.

"Hey, why don't we go and see Jacob at his campus?" Elliot suggests. Jacob is Elliot's older brother who's in his second year of college a few towns over.

"Oh yeah! Then we can for sure hit up some college parties!" Thalia comments but when we all shoot her a glare she throws her hands up in a surrendering motion.

"I don't know if going to a college campus is a good idea when none of us even go there," Eli says.

"Yeah, but you're going there next year, you'll have an early start on making friends." I try to convince him, "Maybe even find a girl or two." I hate saying this but my brother could be considered a fuckboy, he's sweet and everything and respects girls, and definitely will never string girls along but he does really love no strings attached kind of things better than a committed relationship.

"Okay! Fine!" He breaks after he looks at all of our puppy dog faces and we all cheer, making the whole cafeteria turn their heads at us.

"Okay, we'll leave Thursday afternoon and then we'll be home by Monday night. I'll talk to Jacob and see if his roommate will be home or not so we can see if we need to book hotel rooms or not." Elliot plans.

"Wait, we can't leave Thursday! Hayden and I have a project to do!" I inform the group of teenagers in front of me.

"We'll find another time to do it. I wanna spend the most time out of this tiny town as I can!" Hayden smoothly responds without giving a care in the world what I think.

"Great, it's settled then. I'll see you guys after school. I don't want another detention. Let's go Tay." Thalia and Taylor leave to go to class and soon after Elijah and Elliot do as well.

"Wait," I stop Hayden as he was about to leave too, "What was that about?" I refer to when he answered for the both of us.

"Oh, uh sorry about that." He rubs the back of his neck, "I just really don't wanna stay in town that long this weekend."

"Oh, uh. Why?"

"It doesn't matter. Think about it this way, we can probably get so many more interesting shots going on a road trip than we ever could by staying in town."

"I guess you're right, well I guess you can go to class now. Sorry for stopping you." I blush.

"Nah, it's cool. Why don't we walk together, we're both going to the science hall aren't we?" I nod and get up from my spot.

I throw out my trash and meet Hayden at the cafeteria doors where he was waiting for me and we walk to class together.



Okay, it may be 10:30 at night but it's still a Thursday.

I'm so very very sorry about not updating last week but it's exam season so I've been studying nonstop recently so I'm going to try my very best to update on time but I am truly sorry if I don't! I take my writing very seriously but I do have to admit that I take my school a lot more seriously.

Sorry for the very very short chapter, but I'm trying to get into the plot which may take a couple of chapters so I'm going to try and not add too many extra not needed details to the chapters leading up to the main plot.

So here's the question of the chapter, who are you shipping currently? Who do you think will be the couples in this book, who do you WANT to be in a relationship in this book?

Anywho, this is sadly where we part. 'Till next Thursday my lovelies (hopefully),



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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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