Some Things Don't Change

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"Is my transfer really necessary?" Shancai said as she leafed through some paperwork. She and her husband were back in Shanghai to settle some personal matters, one of them being Shancai's transfer to a university in London. Daoming Si turned to shoot his wife an unamused look. "Stupid girl, of course it is. Why would a couple of newlyweds be living in different countries? Besides, with me gone, guys will swarm around like bees to a honeypot." Now it was Shancai's turn to scowl at her husband. "You're the stupid one. I'm a married woman, as if I'd give them the time of day." Ah Si scrubbed a hand over his face in exasperation. As much as he loved his wife, sometimes she made him want to tear his hair out. "It's not you I don't trust, stupid. It's them. Guys ogle you all the time, you're just oblivious to it."

Shancai opened her mouth to retort when Zhuang-jie's voice rang out, "And I thought you two fought like an old married couple before." "We do not!" the couple said in unison. Taking a sip of her wine, Zhuang snickered and said, "I think I've proven my point." Ah Si and Shancai both blushed, as they knew that Zhuang's words rang true. Marriage hadn't changed the way that Daoming Si and Shancai spoke to each other or how they treated each other. They still bickered nonstop, they still playfully wrestled each other in bed, and they still doodled on each other's faces when playing games. They probably would always be like this, and they both knew it.

"So what if we bicker a lot?" Ah Si said as he slung an arm around his wife, "I wouldn't change it for the world." Shancai smiled and pecked her husband on the lips, "Neither would I." "Ew, not in front of me!" Zhuang protested.

"Shut up!"

Author's note
Short and sweet and suckish, kinda like me. :p Yup I think I'll wrap up this series soon with having them have some babies. Soz ¯\_()_/¯

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