chapter 4

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this is going to be a loooonggg chapter cause of how short the last one was and because it took so long to update which im really sorry about ! so i hope you guys like it

jordans pov.

wow i cant believe we got a detention just because we said something. i really hate this teacher. i got snapped out of my thoughts when Mr. Anderson said " the topic we will be talking about is crushes...

kaylie:"  wait ... wait.... wait .... hold up ... for one i have a boyfriend ..... for two. that's none of your or anybodys businesses who we like...."

Mr. Anderson: "this is my class and i make the rules .... so if you refuse to do this assignment just expect to have a F in this class for the rest of the quarter...."   he says right back in a cocky adittute

kaylie just sat back and kept her mouth shut because she knew if she got an F she wouldn't be able to be on cheer anymore ... and that was one of kaylies main passions... and i know it would kill her to lose her spot in that..

but i for real hate this class ... this teacher is an asshole and all he cares is embarrassing us.. which i find so f*cking rude that it ain't funny ....

like doesn't he understand that this can ruin peoples lifes. if i tell who my crush really is   ... i probably will lose him as a best friend.... and i don't want that to happen.

Jordan: please don't make us do this .... please

Mr. Anderson: didn't i just make this clear or did i not get it through your thick head

Jordan: "whatever" i say


taylor pov.

tbh. i just sit back and watch all this stuff go down ... i feel it isnt fair at all but it kinda benefits me by finally being able to tell Jordan how i actually feel about her. but the only problem with that is she might not feel the same way about me .... and if she doesn't idk what i will do because shes the girl i know i want to be with.. and im not lying about that but then it could also ruin our friendship and i don't want to lose that...

im just going to come out and tell her because i want her to know and i have wanted her to know for the longest time.


jordans pov.

mr. Anderson: "okay guys lets start"

    everybody starts to go around and say there crush. i could see the humiliation on everybody's face. i felt so bad for them but then again i really wasn't paying any attention because I'm debating on whether or not i should grow a pair of balls and tell Taylor...

   i finally decided to just see what Taylor was going to say his crush was, since he would be saying his before me.

   there was 5 more people before kaylie went and after that it was Taylor then me .... one of those 5 people was Jennifer she looked like she couldn't care less..  if anybody knew.

  after 2 people past it was Jennifer's turn and she looked straight at me and said ... "hmm i have a crush on Taylor." she smiled and  giggled at the end. i kept thinking to myself of how much of a whore she is while the next people went.

   finally it got to kaylie and of course she said Aaron her boyfriend.... while rolling her eyes because of how stupid this was..... by the time she was done my heart was racing.

   it was Taylor's turn... i really didn't wanna  hear who he was going to pick...  i was hoping he would say me i would be so happy like you wouldn't understand... but then again im not "popular" like him .. I'm not pretty ... I'm pretty ugly ... you could say ... but im sure he would pick a pretty, more "popular" girl.

    Taylor  coughs, while everyone is staring waiting for an awnser cause all the girls LOVE taylor. im watching taylor but trying to stare to make him feel bad, or weird, or embarrassing or whatever. and he makes out the words very faintly "i..i h-have a crush on j-jordan  Rupp"

    His face turns bright red just like mine..... i cant help but smile .... oml i was so happy. taylor whispers to me "im sorry ive wanted to tell you for so long" ... i start to make out something when i get interupted with " EWW WHY WOULD YOU LIKE THAT UGLY NERD" & "ew really Taylor that whore", & "dude she's so ugly you could do way better like tf"

i start bursting into tears .... my happiness was ruined by all the hate  and started running out of the room into the bathroom not giving a fuck about what anybody thought . i locked myself in the bathroom stall and started to think of everything bad.... finally my thoughts got the best of me and i ripped my backpack off my back and pulled out my razor..... idk why i still had it in there but im glad i did ..

  i pulled up my sleeves and stared at my wrists with all my makeup down my face .... and i began to cut .... i cut for everything i ever did wrong ....there was so much blood because i did everything wrong .. i started to feel lightheaded and i felt my eyes starting to shut.

  "JORDAN.... JORDAN J-JORDAN" kaylie was yelling... my eyes were now closed but i could still  hear her .  she started to open each door untill she stopped at mine and realized it was locked  she starts banging on it to try and get it open. "JORDAN OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW" *no response* …

kaylie looks down and seen the puddle of blood... and you could hear her crying she went into the stall next to mine and climbed over the side to seen me past out.

"omfg jordan.... j-jordan wake up pleasee please for me...." she keeps saying over and over i try and respond but i just couldnt.

"i-im s-s-sorry" i finnaly manage out those words and kaylie holds me tight " no im sorry bby ... for everything... its not your fault your so fucking beautiful and i can understand why taylor likes you i mean ur the definition of just stop. i love you and everyone else does"   kaylie says while holding me up and unlocking the stall bringing me out.. and sitting me by the sinks while she locks the whole bathroom so know one else can walk in.

she then walks back and picks me up and leans me over the sink cleaning all the blood off me and my arms. she grabs a bunch of paper towels and lays them on the cuts. "wait here" she says grabbing my backpack  from the bloody stall knowing that i have gauses and wrap in there... she pulls them out and wraps my arms with them.

"im taking you to our house" she says... i nod in confuzion /dizziness " she then realized the blood on my clothes and grabs her extra pair of sweatpants  out of her backpack and slipps them on me . she also takes off her Cameron dallas sweatshirt and slipps it also on me also to hide the wraps and gauges. "okiee i think u look good enough to walk out of the school like this and also sit here while i clean up the stall" kaylie then grabs some napkins and wipes the blood off the stall and floor. she finds the blade and flushes it.. "goodbye old friend" she whispers

"done" she says .... "you ready to leave?"  "yea i say faintly... we were in the bathroom for about an hour and a half ... i felt a little bit o my strength back  and i tried to get up... i fell back down ... and kaylie managed to get back up "thank you for everything kaylie i dont know what i would do without you i would actually be dead "  i say but she dosent respond. im able to walk but its really hard...

she unlocks  the bathroom for bathroom door and we then find a crowd of people waiting for us to come out " what the hell....."


there's the update for you ..... Lol wow want expecting that i guess lol well ily hope you  injoyed it leave comments suggesting what should happen next..... xoxo destiny


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