chapter 2

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Taylor pov

(at lunch)

me and Dillon were at lunch eating when we got bumbarted by the school sluts. it use to not bother me but know that I'm falling for Jordan it gets on my nerves and i hate it.

they are always trying to see how many guys they can get and how short and reviling can there clothes get. yea ik it so gross.

Dillon hates it too because he likes Kaylie ... but she has a boyfriend:/ and she hates all the sluts like every one else does counting me but every one thinks since we are a tad popular that we have to be with them and like them and not like anyone besides them.

and honestly it gets on my fucking nerves especially the main slut Jennifer she is always up on me and stuff like tf get away from me with your herpies and stuff.

so at lunch time like i was saying i went to save Jordan and Kaylie a spot but then the sluts came and took em.

i looked behind me and seen Jordan roll her eyes..... God i felt like a Dick even tho it wasn't my fault i couldn't help it....

Jennifer: "hey babe" she says while picking at her food

taylor: "hi"

Jennifer: "what's wrong?"

Taylor: "nothing ...God!"

Jennifer: "tell me baby!" she says while rubbing my arm

Taylor: "fuck off you nasty slut!" i say while pushing her hand away and flipping my food off the table while walking away

Jennifer: "what the hell is his problem"

Dillon: "its you and you and you" he says pointing to all of them and then walks off with Taylor

Jennifer + the rest of the "sluts": "what the fuck ever we don't need you guys" they say at the same time yelling towards the guys

(Dillon and Taylor talking)

Dillon : "dude are you ok?"

Taylor: "I'm fine ... I'm just done with them"

Dillon: "yea same man"

Taylor: "plus they make it worse because i like someone"

Dillon: "omg who dude?"

Taylor: "no one... forget about it"

Dillon: "i usually wouldn't but since that just happened back there i wont bother you about it"

Taylor: "thanks"

i walk over to were kaylie and Jordan was sitting and asked Jordan if i could sit with them

taylor: hey jordan umm can i sit here?

jordan: why!? you sure seemed like you didnt want to sit with me earlier when those sluts were all up on you

i was shocked because i have never seen jordan that pissed at me. i felt like absolutely shit.

taylor: "im sorry" i say as i start to walk away

jordan: "whatever taylor i was guess you can"

taylor : "okay ..."

jordans pov.

i was eating my lunch and taking to kaylie and aaron when i started to hear yelling. so i turned around to see what was going on and i saw taylor telling the main slut Jennifer to fuck off.

tbh. it kinda made me happy to see her get rejected like that.

all of a sudden taylor flips his food off the table and walks away from her..... every one was watching him walk away and were does he go ...

he goes to me drawing all the attention to the back of the room were i was sitting.... i felt my face burn of embarrassment because im a lame and he is one of the more "popular" ones and he is talking to me in front of everyone. but were like best friends out of school it is really weird ... its like he dosent wanna be seen with me in school.

he asks me if he could sit next to me and i just go off on him. i was so mad at him for completely ignoring me in then wanting to sit with me now like wtf.

when he started to walk away i felt terrible so i told him it was fine and that he could sit there.

im falling so hard for him right now.....

the lost bandana ~ a taylor caniff fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora