Chapter 2

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It hasn't even been a week since we got here and Maya has already made tons of new friends, but i'm not surprised at all. She is a social butterfly after all.  She has started to really understand swedish and she is actually really good at it. Mom and dad is getting there too. I on the other hand is not. My swedish is horrible! I can say  "Hej" which means "Hi" and "Jag heter Cora" which means "My name is Cora" but that's about all I can say. Mom and dad but mostly mom is telling me everyday that I should practice swedish but I don't know, everyone here understands english and I don't have any friends anyway. It just feels pointless.
That's why i'm here, waiting for the bus at 11pm without knowing where i'm heading. Me and mom got into an argument about my bad mood so I just said i'd go for a walk and left. I know that I should have stayed but I just couldn't. I started to feel really claustrophobic so I had to get out. And here I am. I see the lights from the buss and I step forward to the bus will be able to see me. The bus stops and I take one of my earphones. Bus number 12, my lucky number actually. I step onto the bus and take out my bus card from my back pocket. Mom bought one for me and one for Maya so we would be able to take the bus whenever we want. I hold the card against the machine and a green light turns on. The bus driver smiles at me and I give him a week one back. The bus is nearly empty but I still decide to sit in the back. I place my backpack on the seat next to me, I don't want to talk to people, I don't want people to see me. Maya told me that this bus goes into town and then to another part of the town before it comes back home so my plan is to just sit here until the bus comes back to my stop. I put my other earphone back in and let the music swallow me. I once read this really good quote, it read: when you are happy you enjoy the music, when you are sad you understand the lyrics. I always understand the lyrics. I think that they are the most important part of a song. The bus passes the center part of the town and I just sit here deep in thoughts, it's actually quite nice, quite comforting.

I'm here once again, waiting for the bus. This time though I didn't get into a fight with mom, she sent me to by some fruit and i'm actually happy. I just had a hour long phone call with one of my internet friends. It was the first time so both of us was kind of nervous but we had fun in the end. I haven't learned any more swedish though. School starts in a couple of days and I don't know how I feel about it. Our I do know but I don't wanna think about it. Because I know that thinking about it will make me feel bad and I don't wanna feel bad, for once i'm happy and I don't wanna ruin it. The bus comes and the driver gives me his usual smile. He knows me by now and I know him, it's quite funny actually.  I try to count how many times i've taken the bus by now but I don't have enough fingers and toes so I stop. Once again a place myself in the back. The bus is almost full which means there is going to be a person sitting next to me.
A while later we arrive at the next stop. Some people I don't recognise walks onto the bus first before an old lady with a dog comes on. She walks to the seat beside me before she stops.
"Får jag sitta här" she asks. The only word in that sentence that I understood is "Jag" which means I.
"Sorry, I don't understand" I say and look up at the lady.
"Oh sorry, can I sit here" she asks and points at the empty seat next to me. I nod my head in responds and she sits down.
"Are you new in Sweden our are you only visiting?" she asks.
"Me and my family just moved here from USA" I say.
"Okey, are you practicing Swedish?" she asks. Damn it, how do you explain why you aren't trying to learn your new language?
"Well no, not really" I say and look down at my shoes.
"Then I can teach you some good and easy frases so you understand a little" she offers.
"Okay" I say.
"Får jag sitta här means can I sit here and that's a good one to know on the bus" she starts. " Hur mår du means how are you which is a good one to"
The lady and I keep talking and she tells me alittle about the town and Sweden in general. Normally I wouldn't enjoy a conversation like this but she is really nice and i'm in a good mood. She is wearing a all purple outfit that compliments her really well and she has put her long hair into a braid that has been put into a elegant bun. The bus arrives to the next stop and I say goodbye to the kind lady and her dog. I take my earphones out of my pocket and put one in my ear. I decide to put on my happy playlist because why not? Why not enjoy the moment? I tap along to the beat of the song as I walk into the grocery store. This store isn't too big so I should be able to find what I need. What if I see the girl with the red hair again! Omg stop Cora! You saw her once our that not true you did she her at the bus the other day but still! On normal days I would hate myself for thinking this way but today I actually enjoy it. It's funny when you laugh at the conversation in your head. It's like one part of you brain says one thing and the other says another.
Mom didn't say what fruit she wanted so I decide on some peaches, grapes and oranges. When i've paid for my fruits I go back to the bus stop to wait for the next bus. This town has like a place where all of the buses stops, it's like a bus centrum. I look around at all of the people that's getting on and off buses, my eyes keep traveling before the stop at a certain redhead. Of course she has to be here. She is standing a bit away with some friends, she has grey sweatpants one paired with a black crop top and oversized camouflage jacket. She's holding a neon blue lollipop in her right hand and some type of book in the other. Just as I see my bus coming she laughs at something her friends are saying, I can't argue the fact that she is pretty and extremely cute when she laughs. I turn my head to the bus and get onto it. As always the bus driver gives me a big smile and I give him one back. I take my normal seat at the back of the bus and pull out my skiss block as I wait for the bus to leave.

Minutes go by and the bus gets more and more crowded. I feel the engine start and the bus driver closes the doors. I feel the bus start going before it quickly stops again and I hear the doors open but I don't really pay any attention because i'm too focused on the drawing that is slowly building up in my sketchbook. I hear someone ask if the can sit beside me and I just nod my head. I make a couple of more adjustments to my sketch before I look up to see who is sitting beside me. I feel my body tense and I quickly look back at my sketch book before I close it. Did it have to be that girl? Out of all the girls in the world, the universe just decided to put her beside me! Like oh let's have some fun and play with Cora a little. I look back at the girl and she gives me a little smile. I feel my body getting hotter and hotter and I look down on my hands, Just as I thought they are shaking. I know these signs to well, signs of a panic attack. This always happens when I get nervous, deep breaths, just take deep breaths Core. Out of all the ways i've thought I was going to die i didn't think of this one. i listen to the voice in my head and I take some deep breaths. Well it's just a couple of stops left before I get home so I should be fine. I decided to just close my eyes and lean my head against the window for a minute. As I sit there I let the music take me away.

"Excuse me" I say to the red haired girl. She looks at me and at first she seems a little confused before she understands and gets up so I can get of the bus. For some reason I can't stop smiling. I made it, I even talked to her. I really like this feeling, feeling happy even though I know it won't last.



Well I so sorry this chapter is really shitty because I didn't really find any motivation to write this one. Like nothing really happens which is kind of boring but next chapter will be better I think. Anyway this chapter is about 1600 words if you care.

Well I hope you get a wonderful day our night wherever you are in the world and I'll update as soon as I can:)

The girl on the bus (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now