Chapter 4

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I wake up and hear someone in the kitchen, and my someone I mean everyone.

"Morning Callie, just grab whatever make yourself at home." Stef says and I grab a cup and fill it will some coffee. They all just stare at me, I ignore them and grab a piece of bacon and sit down.

"Want anything with your coffee." Lena asks, I nod.

"Nope, I like it black." I respond

"Okay, well if you need something just let us know." Lena says

"Okay well guys go hope in the car and get ready to go to school." Stef says and everyone leaves the room leaving just Stef Lena and myself.

"Well Callie as long as you are living under our roof, you will be going to school with the kids." Lena says and I slightly role my eyes.

"Yeah whatever." I say taking another sip of my coffee.

"Okay well go get into the car and Lena works at the school so if you need anything just ask her." Stef says

"Yeah okay..." I respond before going and getting into the car. I just want to get out of this hell hole and find Jude all that's on my mind is finding Jude.

We arrive at school and Lena pretty much forces Brandon to show me around. He said something about having to meet up with Taylor or Tabitha or something like that but Lena said showing me around was more important. Now I can't go sneak off to go get Jude.

"Hey so about last night." Brandon begins.

"About you coming in to grab a condom? Umm I don't know what you do alone in your room but why you needed a condom is none of my business." I respond.

"No it's nothing like that I was going into grab something and brush my teeth but umm something happened and I freaked and grabbed the first thing I found." Brandon explains.

"Why did you get all freaked out?" I question and his face turns bright red.

"Now that is something I can't tell you... Sorry I would it's just umm we all have some secrets that we feel safer having to our selves you know." He says and I smile.

"Yeah I know what you mean. Hey I need your help with something." I say and a confused look comes upon his face.

"What do you need help with?" He wonders.

"I need your help with one of my secrets. I need you to come with me to find my secret." I say he looks even more confused now.

"Find your secret?" He replies.

"Okay more like get my secret and lucky for us I know exactly where he is." I smile.

"He?" I hear Brandon mutter and I nod.

I respond, "Yeah..... My brother."


Hey guys I can't believe it's been like a year almost since my last update I am so sorry I had lost all the chapters I had wrote when my computer went all wack and I was so busy I didn't have enough time to rewrite and then I was on a bus for 6+ hours and decided to write hopefully I will be updating more often... Hope you guys will still read ❤

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