Chapter 8

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*Callies POV*

"Hey... What are you still doing up?" He asks coming and sitting next to me on the couch.

"I could ask you the same thing." I respond and he laughs.

"I would respond and say I couldn't sleep. Now it's your turn." He replies.

"Me either... I uh... Never mind." I hesitate and he smiles.

" You can tell me... Is something bothering you? I thought you'd finally be all smiles since your brother was back." Brandon responds.

"So did I. He just said something to me, something that had happened a while ago and he just doesn't know the whole story that's all." I say and Brandon hugs me.

" Maybe you should tell him the whole story. So he understands where you're coming from. Or maybe you could tell me and I could help you get through it." Brandon suggests.

" Umm I'm just not sure if I would be comfortable doing that yet." I say and take a deep breath.

"I understand. Whenever you're ready I am here for you." He replies.

No one had ever told me that before. No one ever was kind enough to care. He is the only person who I feel has cared about me in a while.

"Brandon?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He questions.

"This is temporary... Right?" I continue.

"As far as I'm concerned... Why?" He asks.

"Would it be wrong if..." I stop myself.

"If what?" He wonders.

I turn my head and look at him. Our eyes looking deep into each other's. I scootch a little closer and our faces our barely an inch apart. He starts to lean in.

I finally open my mouth and say what I've been dying to say... Something I've been dying to ask. To just see his reaction.

"If we talked about you walking in on me naked." I say and laugh.

Sorry it has been so long, but thank you to those who have stuck around. Please tell people about this story if you have BRALLIE shipper friends or just Foster fans. Love yall

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