Chapter 26: A symbol, an old library, and a durable person

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A.N.: Yo, I have returned. Thanks for patiently waiting. I have reread my chapters and saw a lot of grammar mistakes. I saw clichés also and I felt cringe just from reading my chaps lol. I only remember bits and pieces of my plans for this novel so coming back might be hard for me. Next update is still unsure when. Important question from me at the end.


"I can't believe the guild doesn't know anything about this symbol" Yon ranted as he kicked some rocks on the road. After defeating the goblins and the wolves, we immediately went back to the guild to ask about the symbol we found. Unfortunately, the people there didn't have a clue.

"Ib il e wuki odr lifwod malr ig re bemfl ot re rakeyogl" Lors quietly reasoned that the symbol is ancient....

"used in times of what?" I roughly understand Lors language now but I didn't get the second part. Yon had taught me the basics of the language so that I won't need a translator. I guess I still need to get the hang of it.

"Rakeyogl. Dragons." Yon whispered, translating. "The dragon encircling the triangle indicated that. Anyways, I hope the library would be much helpful."

We were walking down the main street near the Church, headed to the library. The guild receptionist told us that we might find something about the symbol in the library.

"The sun will almost set. Do you think the library would still be open?" I asked as I saw people closing down their shops, locking their doors, and preparing to go home. "Maybe we should head back to our inn and just come back tomorrow."

"Eh, we're already here" Yon said as we turned to the right and stopped in front of a building. There were cracks on the walls and the paint already lose its hue. The building has three floors, all with no windows.

Above the door is a signboard. It reads: "The library of –". The last word was unreadable.

"Who manages the library?" I have to ask. The other buildings are in good condition while the library is in this state. "They did a bad a job at it."

Yon smirked. "The Church. I reckon they don't want the masses encouraged to seek knowledge." He then opened the door and entered. Lors soon followed (of course his hood was on since before we entered the city).

"I think we should have knocked first" I said but I shortly followed also.

The library was no better inside. The first floor was barely lit by candles placed here and there. Several books were piled up and was randomly placed. From the little cobwebs on them, I inferred that these books haven't returned to their bookshelf for a while.

Scrolls and ripped or crumpled papers littered the floor. Even the bookshelves were disorderly. Some were broken and most are unclean with dust on them. The books weren't alphabetically arranged, at least the books with titles that I can understand with my skill.

"Hello?" Yon called with a slightly elevated voice. He grabbed a candle to light his path. Me and Lors did the same. We explored a little bit, checking out books, scrolls, and papers that might show us the same symbol.

The closest we got were papers on the floors showing alchemical symbols but there were none that was exactly the same. We couldn't even understand what was written on the paper. We were about to go to the second floor when we heard a noise coming from under the stairs.

We look at each other and nodded. We silently went behind the stairs and crouched. Yon forwarded his hand with the candle and we saw buried in books was a youngster. He looked at us with desperate eyes and muffled. We understood the message clearly.

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