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Our story begins in Belzec, a country at war with one of its neighbors, Asca. Belzec is home to two races, the Eres and the Latros. The Eres are the superior race, while the Latros are the inferior ones. The Eres were not always superior. There was a time where both races lived together peacefully. That was until the Eres started gaining superior powers. They were better looking, faster, smarter, stronger. Soon they became a lot more powerful and conquered the innermost locality in Belzec.

All the Eres started living there. That part of the country became more advanced, with better technology, more rights for their people and better services. Their children had better education and grew up to be scientists, researchers or doctors to help with the war. The Eres were also more protected in the innermost locality, which was part of the reason they moved there. They lived a more comfortable life. The Eres left the ill-equipped Latros to deal with the brunt of the war.

The Eres mayor said that they deserved this better life over the Latros. They used their abilities to systematically make it harder for even the best Latro to move into the Eres locality or get into the jobs that the Eres had. Not only were the prerequisites for these insanely hard to meet, but the Eres also made life hell for anyone who even had a shot at making the prerequisites. We had a few people who survived and against all odds made it in. They were forced to leave their Latro identity behind and become an Ere. If they did not, they usually did not make it far past the entry level.

After some time, the Eres wanted something to distinguish themselves from us. They felt that our physical differences were not enough. So they released a new law. Henceforth, every Eres was marked with a crescent moon on their wrist. The mark of the Eres, the superior race.

It is here that our story starts with Dayita, a Latros, and her friends.

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