The Texts

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1 Month Later~~~~

You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. "Hello?" You asked

"Hey, I was wondering if I could change me over and hang out with y'all u for a while. I had a um.... fight with Autumn." Daveed says from the other line.

"Yeah sure. If you don't mind me asking, what was the fight about?" You ask curiously

"She just said something about your singing and I got really defensive of you and then she got mad I was defending my best friends."

"Oh wow, you didn't need to do that. She does it all the time." You whispered the last part.

"What was that?"

"Oh um just saying that I'll see you in a few. I have to go change and get Taylor Grace up. Bye."


You got out of bed and changed into ;

After putting your hair into a high ponytail (I'm sorry if you don't have long hair) and went into TJ's room to wake her up

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

After putting your hair into a high ponytail (I'm sorry if you don't have long hair) and went into TJ's room to wake her up.

"TJ, wake up. Daveeds coming over until he settles things with his girlfriend." You say lightly shaking her. She shot up from her bed with a grin on her face.

"Oh la la!" She exclaimed and hopped out of bed.

"Oh shut up! I'm going to make coffee and heat up the donuts from yesterday." You say walking out of her room. You hear I muffled "Okay" from her bathroom as you walk into the kitchen. You make yourself some amazing coffee, people said that if you didn't work on YouTube and Broadway, you could be famous for amazing coffee. You smile to yourself as you sit on your couch and take a nice sip of you coffee. DING DONG! We that ruined the moment. But nonetheless you were happy to see Daveed, who you hadn't seen for 1 week because he was sick. You walk over to the door and unlock it, revealing a broken down Daveed. "Hey-"

He cut you off by hugging you. You immediately hugged back. "Thank you so much! You are the absolute best!" He said

"Aw! I know, jk!" You say laughing. He chucks a little. "Well come on in. TJ's just about done getting ready. Do you want coffe-"

"YES! Your coffe is amazing." He cuts you off again.

"Regular or are you feeling something a little different today?" You question.

"Regular." He says and flops onto your couch. As you are making the coffee, your phone is buzzing non stop! (AFTER THE WAR I WENT BACK TO NEW YORK!). You checked your phone. It was Autumn.

Autumn: you know what you suck! On and off of broadway and your stupid little channel! I don't even know why you try anymore! Your boring and no one likes you! If I were you I would just do myself and everyone else a favor and just die. Daveed wouldn't care, your stupid little monster wouldn't care! No one would care! It would just be a problem solved for everyone! Daveed hates you anyway! He told me he was only friends with you because everyone else didn't like you, and he pays that little monster to stay with you. He's only friends with you out of pity! So do us all a favor and just disappear! It's not like anyone would care anyway!

You hadn't realized that you were crying. You dropped the cup you were holding, making it shatter on the floor. You put your phone on the counter and ran. You ran as fast as you could. You ran out the door and down the street and across Central Park, and finally you made it to Café Grumpy (actually a cafe in New York lol!). This was your favorite Café. Not a lot of people come to this café. You sat at your table and just cried.

Daveed's POV

I heard a glass drop, and looked back at the kitchen to see Y/N crying. "Y/N! What happened?" I ask standing up. She didn't answer, she just set her phone down and ran. Dang! She's fast! I'll find her at her favorite café later. Why did she leaver her phone? Was all I thought. I walked over to her phone. And there I saw the thing that made me angry and upset.

Autumn: you know what you suck! On and off of broadway and your stupid little channel! I don't even know why you try anymore! Your boring and no one likes you! If I were you I would just do myself and everyone else a favor and just die. Daveed wouldn't care, your stupid little monster wouldn't care! No one would care! It would just be a problem solved for everyone! Daveed hates you anyway! He told me he was only friends with you because everyone else didn't like you, and he pays that little monster to stay with you. He's only friends with you out of pity! So do us all a favor and just disappear! It's not like anyone would care anyway!

TJ had come into the kitchen and read what I read. I was speechless. But TJ has a mouthful to say. "I SWEAR TO GOODNESS! YOUR GIRLFRIEND NEEDS TO STOP DOING THIS!" She exclaimed pointing to the phone

"Wait hold up..... stop doing it? She has been doing this already?!" I question

"See for yourself, well more like read for yourself." TJ said crossing her arms. I scrolled down the messages Autumn had sent Y/N.

Autumn: u know what? Ur just a little sl*t you b*ch! Honestly i don't know how you can live with yourself.

Autumn: thanks for looking fat in that dress today, it made me look way better to Daveed!

Autumn: why are you here, you know what I can do.....

I couldn't read anymore. I was done. This had been going on for 3 months! But then I saw one last message

Autumn: I bought you some razors for you to help yourself out. You'll thank me later. There in your bathroom! Do us all a favor

That's when I ran to Y/N's bathroom. I frantically opened the top drawer, and sure enough there were razors. They weren't in the box, and some a blood on them. Autumn had gotten into Y/N's head, and I was not happy. TJ ran in and gasped at the sight. "DAVEED! Y/N IS DOING THIS BECAUSE OF YOUR GIRLFRIEND! FIX THIS!" Then she pulled me down by my collar. "Or so help me, I will not be happy! She loves you! And she didn't tell you about your stupid girlfriend because she wanted you to be happy and she's suffering because! She loves you! And not in a friendly way! Please.... fix this! I see the way you look at her! I know you love her too, so fix this!"

"I will!" I say and stand up taking out my phone. I dial Autumns number. She picks up within the first ring.

"You called to make u-"

"No I want to break up! You did the worst thing in the world, you hurt my best friend! I know what you've been sending her! You are an absolute disgusting human being! I wish I had never met you!" And with that I hang up. I look over to TJ. "It's time to get Y/N back!"

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