Chapter 10

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I don't know how much time passes of me just laying there on the ground. The door is suddenly ripped open and my head falls on the ground. I look up at dad who is standing there annoyed. "Phone. Now," he demands with his hand outstretched towards my face. "You can't be serious. If I'm going to be locked in my room without Jarvis I should at least be able to have my phone," I exclaim sitting up to stare at him more fully. His response is just to move his hand closer to me. I sigh and pull my phone out of my pocket and slap my phone into his hand. He then turns around and slams the door shut. I hear the door lock again and let out a groan. What was I going to do for an unknown amount of time? Clean my room? Do something productive? That doesn't sound anything like what a teenager would do. I mean my room is kind of a mess...

I stand up and rip everything off of my bed. Ew. Is that, is that a piece of moldy bread? Was I actually sleeping on that? That is actually disgusting. I pick it up and keep it very far away from my body. I throw it into the trash can. Maybe it's a good idea that I'm cleaning my room. After vacuuming my sheets off, I don't know why I had a vacuum in my room but it was hidden underneath a bunch of dirty clothes, like I said my room was a mess, I start putting stuff back onto my bed. My bed was made and it looked really nice. My pillows were nice and neat, with my decorative Steven Universe pillow at the front. Yes I watched Steven Universe and it's my favorite show, actually. My comforter was nice neat and clean concealing my thicker blankets that were below it just as neat. I also had the stuffed bear that my mother had given me at the very front of all the pillows in it's scorched beauty.

I smile at it. It was the only thing of mine that survived the fire, well except for me and the pajamas I was wearing. It's left ear was completely gone along with part of its face. The right paw was scorched slightly. It's a wonder that it had survived but it's a great reminder of my mom, even if it was gross and old and burned it was still perfect just like when I got it.

I sigh and turn to the corner next to the bed. I'm pretty sure that there was a chair in the pile of clothes there. I kind of wish I had a garbage back but that's okay. I was about to start on the pile of clothes that I didn't even wear when I heard the door unlock. I turn around to see Pepper standing there. I don't think she had ever seen my room before. "Your room is disgusting, except for the bed. Anyway, it's time to eat come down for dinner," Pepper informs me before turning around and heading into the dining room downstairs. 

I follow after her and walk into the dining room. Dad and Rhodey were there talking but dad stopped once he saw me walk in. Rhodey still looked mad and I don't think dad would ever get over it but that's ok. I can live with that. I did when I was younger and I would do it again. 

I sit down as far away from dad as possible. Pepper puts a plate of food in front of me and I eat it quickly before standing and setting it by the sink. I walk over to where we keep garbage bags. I take three. "I'm just going to go back into my room. Since I assume I'm grounded," I say awkwardly before turning and heading upstairs. Once I get up into my room and close the door I hear it lock once more. Yay.

I dump my overflowing trash can into one of the garbage bags I had brought up. I then hang the garbage bag on the door handle. I walk over to the chair I was going to tackle before with one of the other garbage bags. Let's do this.

I dive into going through the clothes. I put a lot of them into the garbage bag since I didn't wear them. I could probably give them to a charity or something. With the other clothes I put them in my dirty hamper not knowing how long they had been there. I was right there was a chair underneath the clothes. 

I slowly go through cleaning my entire room. I had to use two garbage bags for garbage and the one for clothes I didn't want. I was tired but determined to clean my whole room. Once going through everything and organizing it. I could actually walk around my room and I could see my desk and use it since it was uncovered. I thankfully had some Clorox wipes in my room, probably from when I tried to clean my room before, and used them to wipe everything down after I cleared it off. I started to vacuum my room. I vacuumed my entire room. Tomorrow I would tackle the closet and the bathroom but I needed more garbage bags. 

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