Chapter Two

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    It looked like there was a saddle on its back and had all sorts of things wrapped around it. It let out deep breathes, eyes closed, and cuts and gashes littered its body. I took my bag off and set it next to me. I grabbed onto one of the leather belts keeping the saddle on and pulled on it, trying to get it to come off. After a while, I was able to get all the belts undone and slowly walked around the black dragon, trying not to wake him. I climbed onto the rock and sat on my knees and grabbed the rim of the saddle and pulled up on it. But, the dragon's weight was pushing it against the rock.

    I set my hands on the dragons shoulder and pushed, trying to get it to roll over. After a long struggle, I was able to push the dragon onto its stomach. It started to wake up, showing me its eyes were green, before it passed out again, letting out a sigh. I mentally sighed with relief and slid off the rock and walked over to my bag and pulled out a first aid kit. It mainly had bandages in it because of Miko when she sneaks off and gets hurt, there was a lot of gaz to. I sat on my knees next to the dragons front arm and started gazing his arms and wrapping bandages around the gaz. I did that with all the gashes and cuts, not noticing the dragon's tail lifting up into the air behind me.

   If I could, I would have grunted when its tail hit me and sent me rolling sideways across the ground. I sat up and saw the dragon stand up, glaring at me. I stood up and held my hands out in front of me, gritting my teeth together, and started backing up. I don’t know what I did, but the dragon charged at me. Not caring about my bag, I turned and bolted, hearing the dragon behind me, I looked back and saw it wasn’t behind me any more.

    But, when I looked forward, there it was. I slid to a stop and my eyes widened. It blinked at me and tilted its head, seeming confused. That’s when I realized. It was wondering why I was making no sound. I knew it wouldn’t understand sign, so I didn’t know what to do. I took a step back and it took a step forward. I raised an eyebrow and lifted up my right leg, it did the same with its front left leg. When I set it on the ground, it did the same. I was still scared of it, so I got an idea. I stood up straight and tilted my head. It sat down and tilted its head as well.

    I spun in a circle and stopped, seeing it did the same. I did it again, going faster. It copied. While it was still spinning, I started running again. After a moment, there was a roar behind me and I knew it saw me running again. I didn’t look back this time, not wanting to almost run into it again. I slid to a stop when I reached a cliff. I let out deep breathes, looking down at the bottom far below me. I turned around and saw the dragon slowly walking towards me, head low to the ground. My fear started rising again, my heart beat speeding up. I took a step back and my foot slipped off the edge. I opened my mouth to gasp, but nothing came out.

    The black dragon in front of me noticed and sat its head up, letting out a warble noise. I backed up until my heels hit the edge of the cliff, making small rocks fall. I gritted my teeth together and held my left arm up as if to block an attack that hadn’t yet come. It sniffed the air and sat down, its front legs coming off the ground and its tail curling around itself. I swallowed and looked down, seeing a rock next to my foot. I quickly picked it up and threw it towards the dragon. But, it flew passed the black beast. The dragon let out a roar and ran after the rock, making me blink. It came back with the rock and sat back where it was the first time.

    It set the rock down and pushed it with its nose, making it roll to my feet. I shifted my feet and looked from the rock to the dragon and back. I slowly leaned over into a crouch and picked the rock up, not taking my eyes off the dragon. When I picked it up, the dragon jumped to its feet and got in a doggy play-stance, tail wagging. I slowly stood up and held the rock in my hand. I tossed it forward and it bounced to a stop in front of it. It let out another warbling noise and rolled the rock back towards me.

    I put my hand over my mouth and let out my mute laughs, picking up the rock again. I looked at it and got an idea. I hadn’t seen this animal fly. I tossed the rock into the air, it flying over its head. It jumped into the air and flapped its long, black wings. Suddenly, it let out a roar and started turning backwards onto its back, wings flailing unevenly. Before it hit the ground, it flipped onto its feet and landed. I looked it over to see what went wrong and my eyes landed on its tail. It had only one flap on the end.

    I slowly walked forward and knelt down next to its tail and lifted the end up, looking the flap over. It reminded me of a plane. If the plane lost any of its wings, it would crash to the ground, maybe that’s what was happening with the dragon. I looked up and jumped. The dragon had turned around and was facing me, its face inches from mine. I let out a mute yell and fell backwards. The dragon walked forward and sniffed me before nuzzling its face into my chest and stomach.

    It laid down, resting its head on my lap, and wrapped its body around me, letting out a warbled sigh. I kept my hands lifted up, making sure not to touch its head and stared at it wide eyed. Slowly, I laid my hands on its head and it leaned into my touch, letting out a pleased moan. I let out a mute sigh and started petting its head, my hands going over its scales.
    ‘I can’t leave it here if it can't fly. Megatron will find it for sure and use it to his advantage…’ As if planned, I suddenly heard the sound of a jet. I stood up quickly, taking the black animal by surprise, and looked back. A giant silver jet hovered above the ground before transforming into the one thing I feared the most.


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