Pillow Forts and Mama Drama

Start from the beginning

Well done Daniel, way to fuck yourself up the ass again.

Alex's phone started ringing with the sound of a cat miowing along to dubstep. She sighed as she looked at the screen and answered:

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I heard a woman's voice scream.

~Alex's POV~

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Mum screamed the second I answered the phone.

"Woah mum chill out." I tried to silence her. "I'm just out with a friend."

"Dan Howell?" Mum demanded.

Dan and I looked at each other. He could obviously hear mum's shouting from beside me.

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised. I mean, I knew 'mothers know everything' but this was a bit weird.

"Alisa follows him on Twitter." Mum explained. "And how long exactly have you known him?"

"Mum it's Dan from Manchester. Remember?" I prompted. "We used to hang out together, eat cereal...Any of this ringing a bell?"

She was silent for a few seconds.

"Oh." Mum sniffed. "Well I want you back home now to talk about this. And I'm not happy about this."

"Mum I'm eighteen!" I complained.

"If you don't like it, you can always find another place to stay." Mum hung up.

"Wow." Dan made a face. "She hasn't changed much."

"I know right." I sighed. "I'd better go back to concentration camp anyway."

"Are we still on for the film?" Dan asked as I stood up.

"Yeah, unless she ties me to the bed." I joked, taking my pile of milk soaked clothes that were still damp and smelled funky.

"Kinky." Dan muttered.

"So's your mum." I retorted.

"Shut up." Dan snorted.

We said goodbye and I returned to my car, heart beating fast after all those stairs.

When I entered the house, I noticed that my pugs didn't come running to greet me and I knew something was off.

"Hello?" I asked as I pushed the living room door open. My sister and Mum were sitting with my dogs on their laps and a sharp face.

"What are you wearing?" Mum sniffed in digust.

"Oh," I looked down and realised I was still wearing Dan's hoodie and joggers. "I spilt milk on myself so Dan got me this to wear."

"You've got sex hair." My sister Sasha was desperately trying to pick out anything to get me in trouble.

"That's the way my hair always looks." I sighed.

There were a few seconds of silence.

"Are you two dating?" Mum demanded, releasing the writhing dog who came running onto my lap.

"What does it matter?" I asked airily, petting the dog. I was trying not make a big deal out of the situation, it would just give them a rise.

"Answer the question." Sasha snapped.

"Sasha hush." Mum crooned, not really telling her off. She never told Sahsa off, only me.

Then ensued the longest telling off I've ever had in my life. She said some really spiteful stuff about Dan and that's when I lost it. I stood up and swiftly walked out the door, slamming it behind me and running up the stairs, tears stinging my eyes.

I threw anything I could into my suitcase and another box, then dragged them down the stairs. Mum and Sasha stood with crossed arms in the kitchen doorway, watching me the whole time.

"Where are you going, stupid girl?" Mum snorted.

"You know what? Fuck you." They gasped. "You two have been nothing but shitbags to me my whole life and now I'm finally able to leave. So fuck you and I hope you both rot in hell."

I slammed the front door as loud as I could and loaded my stuff into my trunk, then got in and drove.

I didn't know where I was driving, but I was bawling my eyes out and knew I shouldn't be driving. When I stopped the engine, I realised I had driven to Dan's apartment and in that moment I didn't care.

I ran all the way up the stairs and knocked on his door, sniffling and trying not to cry again. He opened the door with a smile but it immediately dissapeared when he spotted the look on my face.

"What's wrong?" Dan asked with a concerned tone.

I broke down on his doorstep. I began sobbing as the previous events unfolded in my mind.

"Come in." Dan wrapped an arm around my shoulder and helped me inside the door.


Aw this was a sad chappie >_>

Next one's going to be nicer though, and longer! I need to start writing longer chapters, honestly I'll make the next one super super long.

Amber out!

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