chapter one: "US"

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Hi! I am Elizabeth and I have four other friends John ( my crush), katy (my bestie) ,Navi and Paul ( they love each other) we just finished school and we are finding a college . One of our friends is recommending THE MESOPOTAMIA COLLEGE we didn't know that he suffered from medical conditions . It's creepy and not much students studied there its beside the grave yard. There are rumors about ghosts and demons there . Of course we didn't belive in that this is the 21st century man who belives in damn ghosts?!. Any ways it's been two days since our college started and we aren't going coz we still had to make preperation coz the college was on the other side of the country it's a two day ride.we decided to leave on 21st and then we would arrive on 23rd .the day started and we all got ready usually we go on my dad's car but crazy Navi insisted to go on her car at first we didn't agree coz Navi drives bad and we didn't want to hurt her  but later we agreed and went Navi picked me up and approached for our other friends . It was a long way and we took turns to drive the car first John then Navi then katy then Paul and then me . Alas we reached the trip was unexpectedly long . But we made it. There safe and sound until now.

The hauntings Of Maskeville villaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin