Me and Richard ❤❤❤

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The set of the Stranger was so vast it was so big, when he (Richard) asked me whether he could see me I couldn't refuse it would seem impolite of me to refuse rhe offer of meeting him, Richard very kindly sent his personal driver to pick me up, this was the first time I'd seen him, I arrived at rhe Set in his big black Bentley 012 plate the drover was a oldish man I never spoke to him, when I arrive on the set the whole place is filled with cameras, I climbed out of Bently and saw Richard in his glory, a brown trenchcoat and shiet and belted Jeans and boots Richard said " You must be Lexie Morgan I gather you're an admirer of me aren't you"! I reply " Yes I am"! Richard replys " I messaged your friend Sarah thats because I gather you don't believe in Social Media"! I reply " Oh god no its more trouble than its worth (laugh 🤣) "! Richard replied " I must say your rather wise for your age"! I smile " Really? I hadn't noticed"! He smiled at me " Oh great its starting to rain lets get you inside"! Says he smiling widely from ear to ear. I try a bit of flattery " You are rather handsome"! Richard said " oh thankyou that's very kind, of you"!
Richard said " Would you like a drink at all"? I nodd " Ohh yes please"! He went to get two coffees I believe its three sugars isn't it"? Richard brought the Coffees over he says kindly " Be careful its hot"! He believed me to be you know ........... Vulnerable in a way I am only 25 years old afterall.

Richard and I started a chat about books, Richard said " So?  What's your favourite book to read"? I reply " Don't laugh Richard smiles " Don't worry I won't I promise"! I continue " ok ........... its (laughing🤣🤣) Pride and Prejudice "! Richard said " Ohh excellent choice I'm currently a Crime Thriller"! I ask him " what is it about Crime Thrillers that interest you"? He continues " well its the Physiology of the Murderer or murderers plural"! He gave a very wise answer I reply " Oh my god Really You know i actually thought you were more of a Sense and Sensibility man romantic type a gentleman"! Richard says cheekily " I like a Changalling book Yes Sense and Sensibility is again excellent book I happen to have read it you see I do my homework like a goodboy"! I reply " Very good at it homework I always use to hand it in late at School"! Richard says confidently " Ah Sweetie that's ok just don't do itbon numerous occasions"! I say cheerfully " Erm ........ Somehow I think it went passed that stage"! I  reply " Would you play another persom in a costume period drama like Pride and Prejudice"? Richard laughs " Oh! Never really thought about it I guess I would be happy to leave the role as Merisable Mr Darcy with Colin Firth thankyou"! Richard tactically chdnges the topic " Haveyou got any Hobbies"? I smile " As a matter of fact I have and it's one im quite keen to peruse"! Richard says " Oh really? Telll me then hit me with it shock me"!

I reply " Well its Creative Writing if you must know"! Giving him a sidewsys smile he puts his hand on mine, I say " eh you keep your hands to yourself"! Richard moves closer to me , I reply " what's up Richard"? He smiles lovingly at me " You are beautiful"! I didn't realiease that he fancied me, I decided to wait unil I could see the right opportunity.
Richard we discussed his character Adam Price a man happily married.

I did not know anything about the Stranger until now when Richard let me visit the set. He was intelligent and interesting. Richard said " You have to read Hallran Colbarn's books they so good"! I reply " No no I'm quite happy reading Pride and Prejudice as I told you I am a romantic at heart I believe thats you"! Richard smiles and then winks at me he suddenly asked me " where do you go from here"?

" I guess I go back to Manchester Travelodge Its the cheapest option"! Said I he seemed to be impressed with my option. He smiled lovingly unbeknowns to me, Richard said " Why on earth don't you stay there"? I reply (Laughing 🤣🤣) " I did not dare presume that you would ....... you know"! He was charming a true English gentleman, I try to politely refuse but he says shortly " Is that because you've got your friend Sarah staying at the Travelodge"? I say smiling widely from ear to ear " Yes its because my friend Sarah is at the Travelodge"! I can admit that I do find that I am falling in love with him, I know this may sound bad but I may see myself with him, but I dare not hope. I do believe in hope, Richard beld my warm hand as he sits there with me, My jea  jacket around my shoulders. " Lexie Are you warm enough"? Says he I immediately smile at him, she shivers and Richard immediately sees her shiver " Christ your cold you've got no coat"? I reply " no I haven't only this Jean Jacket thing and it isn't very warm"! Richard says " Right come here let's warm you up here ....... put my Brown suade trenchcoat round you my love"!


Immediately after this I feel a little excitement when he puts his coat around my shoulders we came out of the bar where we had been chatting about books, he has his hand ob my back I can ferl the warmth of his hand through the suede coat his coat, to be trurhful I don't know how I feel at first I was unsure whether I liked him , but now I am sure as anything .......... I have definitely  fell in love with him he is such a gent, and so respectful Sarah has found herself here on the set, she sees me and Richard laughing and joking she wants to know how I've got on She walks over flashing her perally white teeth, " hey Richard how are you"? He takes my best friends hand and kisses it he says " Hello Miss Thorntona I am fine thank you how are you"? Sarah says " Im fine thank you Richard has she been any trouble"? He continues " Heavens no shes been an absolute pleasure to talknto she gas so many interesting things about her"! I look at him and look lovingly at him, Richard catches my gaze and tightens his grip around my waist, he says " I haven't realky got anything else on I'm just off home why don't you come back with me"? I reply " No no I can't I would be envading your privacy"!

Richard was very attentive towards me he said " oh come hush no uou won't stay with me tonight I think of Sarah I begin to speak when he stops me in my tracks " Hush that's settled collect whatever you need from the lodge or my driver will come and pick you up"! I have no time to think about it I nod in haste this was oy because I love him ......... There I've said it ......... I Love ............ Richard Armitage. He was so kind and attentive I feel like The Duchess Of Cambridge he's treating me like a Princess I am so lucky to have him as a friend in truth I am so happy I don't think I have ever been happier than I am at this moment.
Ok if you want honest truth I feel like Im on top of the world I honestly do,  he's made me so Welcome and warm I geel like I've known Richard for years when in realty we have only just met today.


Richard's POV:

Oh my god she has the beautiful face and eyes I can't keep my eyes off her I truly can't she is that beautiful. I am Single and there's nothing stopping me from asking this girl out for a date is there but ah yeah .......... Oh damn I never asked how old she was, surely she can't be that much younger Can she I'd truly hate it if we had to go our separate ways because of age old law thing if we're really shouldn't this be enough for everyone involved in this situation I am happy for once and For Once I actually comfortable in my position Im not talking professionally here as an Actor Im talking Romantically he has no many qualities that I admire immensely although I can't understand why she didn't have a boyfriend before Or has she? She probably just didn't want to mention him in case I flew off and got the wrong end of the story there. I just want to make sure that I'm covering eventualities you Know, because there's a lot and I mean a lot of bad men out there and I am glad to say ..........

I AM NOT ONE OF THEM I don't believe aggressive towards women I was brought up respect the Woman Im with I am take my women for who they not what people say there.

I think I might wait a while, and just stay friends for a little bit I think that's defo my safest option is to keep her as a friend and see how things go from there really.

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