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(To where Junkyu and The rest played the game)
(Still Junkyu's Pov)

"Spin the bottle now bro!" I excitedly exclaimed

"This is exciting!" Yedam said

Before the bottle could be turned, Jeongwoo has something to say....

"Guys, i'm scared..." Jeongwoo lowkey said

"We're here Woo~ don't worry about it." Yedam calmed down Jeongwoo who's been scared

"Let's start!" I yelled and spinned the bottle. The three of us anticipating on who's the person that the bottle would point out

And me being the unlucky person, the bottle stopped it's head-edge on me, there Jeongwoo and Yedam laughing out their lungs

"You traitor~" I disapointedly exclaimed pointing the bottle and glared at it(how cute~)

"Hahaha~ okay... Truth or Dare?" Yedam asked still laughing

"Aiissshhh, DARE!" I half shout-yelled enough for them to stop on laughing at me

"O-okay... You picked dare right? I dare you to............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................. Make that small Japanese guy to fall in love with you for a month~ and.......... Break his heart after he confesses that he's inlove with you....." Jeongwoo proudly said and winked at me. 'That kid, how could he command that kind of way-isn't he matured yet, right?' I thought

"w-WHAT? But guys, breaking someone's heart is an easy thing to do but.... Not with that Small Japanese boy, he looks so fragile." I protested. Honestly, i don't want to do it, not because of that boy but because i don't like someone getting hurt.

"No but's Kyu~" Yedam snapped, i sighed in defeat

"Okay...." I soullessly replied

And the game ended with the same dare's with Yedam to be paired with Keita and Jeongwoo to be paired with Haruto.

'I wish that it will not cause too much damage..." I thought


(After a month)



"Ne~ Kyu..."

"You know that I Love You so much right?"

"Yeah why? Is there a problem Kyu?"

"Uhm........ Mashi we need to b-break-up"

"What? You're just joking right?"

"NO! I SAID WE NEED TO BREAK-UP!" (Alexa play 'Not thinking bout you,  by Noa)

"B-but, what about your promises, our promises?"

"Forget them all... Specially Me"

"Wait, am i not enough for you?"



Mashiho ran away from Junkyu and tears from Junkyu and Mashiho's eyes were continously flowing like a river.
(Alexa play 'I SMILE' by DAY6)

Sorry i didn't include Yedam and Jeongwoo's breaking up scene, but it goes the same way as what Junkyu and Mashiho did.

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