★ | 009. indominus rex vs t rex

Start from the beginning

It's head swung around, banging into the stand and the teenagers started to scream and Owen pushed them back. The Rex pushed its arm through the wall, its claws nearly catching on Gray's leg but he pulled it back just in time. It reached forward again, further this time and its claw caught on Gray's fanny pack. Eli wrapped his arms around Gray's waist tightly as the rex started to pull him forward. He wouldn't let go for the life of him. Gray grabbed onto his arm, tears streaming down his face as Zach grabbed onto the fanny pack and moved it up and down the Rex's sharp claw until it snapped.

Another loud roar was heard and the rex retreated from the stand. Eli knee exactly what else was making that roar and he couldn't believe Claire had managed to pull it off. He slowly sat up, making Gray and Zach tighten their hands around his arms. "It's here." It all he said and they slowly sat up with him, seeing the T. rex standing tall in front of the indominus rex.

The fight was on.

The T. rex immediately went for the indominus rex's throat as the indominus rex used its longer arms to its advantage and scratched the T. rex neck. It didn't take long for the indominus rex to get the T. rex on the ground, it's teeth dig into its neck and ready to kill. No, it couldn't end like this. Eli felt a tear leave his eye as he saw the T. rex struggling on the floor in pain.

"Run!" Claire screamed.

The T. rex got up for a second only for the indominus rex to grab it again and prepare to throw it down... right where the stand was. "Go! Go, go!" Owen commanded, the three of them running out of the stand just at the T. rex crashed into it. They ran over to Claire and hid behind a large rock.

Just as the indominus rex was about to end the T. rex life a smaller call was heard. Eli looked in shock as one of the raptors that must have survived ran at full force, jumping onto the indominus rex, pushing it back from the T. rex, who finally got the chance to stand up and attack again. The... the T. rex and the raptor started working together. Something Eli never thought he would see.

They were getting closer to Eli and the rest, so they stood up and ran again, running through the store right next to them but it seemed no matter how far they went, the dinosaurs were fighting right next to them.

The T. rex through the indominus rex into the mosasaurus gate, knowing it down. The indominus rex stood up, shaking the debris of its back and taking a step forward towards the T. rex and raptor, who were standing together ready to fight but in a second the mosasaurus flew out of the water, mouth wide open as it snapped around the indominus rex's neck, dragging it down into the water with ease.

Eli froze, waiting for the indominus rex to come back up but it never did. It was... dead. It was finally dead. He looked back over to the T. rex and raptor, seeing them staring at each other. The raptor stepped back in fear, making small noise. The T. rex stared at it before turning around and walking away, obviously to tired to start another fight.

Owen stepped forward towards the raptor, smiling slightly. The raptor tilted its head, giving Owen one last look before running in the opposite direction. The five humans walked ahead, into the open that was now safe. It was finally over.

★ ★ ★

The night had turned to day. Eli was sat in the hall with all the other people. His cuts had been patched up. He was a lot luckier then some of the others who had been injured beyond repair. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to think about that. His head was rested on Zach's shoulder and the other boy had his arm around his waist.

"Oh my God, it's your parents." Claire whispered and Eli shot his head up, only to see it wasn't his parents but Zach and Gray's. "It's your parents. Come on, come on." Zach and Gray stood up, running into the parents open arms.

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