The truth

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Smoke curls from her lips in the dim light.
Her limbs are outstretched and limp.
The songs salted each corner of her marred heart beating in pain.
She can't help but cry at how bad it hurts.
It hurts so bad.
How hopeless she feels.
How alone she really was.
How dark and crushing the world can really be.
How could anyone see the bright side of things with a world this morbid?
It's as if the older you grew, the worse the world looked.
She never understood how people at her school could even put on a grin knowing what really was happening behind closed doors.
Knowing that the world was nothing but a major battlefield.
She wanted to scream it out to everyone and tell them to open and their eyes.
She wanted them to scream and see how ugly they had become to each other.
But she knew they'd turn their heads and continue.
So she said nothing.
She allowed the weight of the truth sit on her chest to the point her heart hurt along with damaging memories of her own.
And as she inhaled the smoke she exhaled her pain.
Feeling the high but only truly hurting herself.
Just like everyone else....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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