Katsuki nodded slightly in acknowledgement. "Where do you go?"


"What college are you going to?" Katsuki said, enunciating every syllable. "Is it this one?"

Shouto gave the other a deadpan look, before answering sarcastically, "No, I go to a different school but I come here for coffee every morning, and do my homework here, just to go back to my campus later." Even though Shouto wouldn't admit it, he would come even if he did go somewhere else. He liked Katsuki.

"Sasshole." Katsuki scowled. "If you don't go here, maybe the campus you do go to doesn't have a Starbucks, or their coffee just sucks ass- I don't know your damn life."

"..." Shouto cracked a small smile, leaning back. "Fair enough. I go here. Do you?"

The blonde tried- and succeeded- to keep from smiling. He liked this guy's spunk. "Sort of."

"Sort of?"

"It's this school, but I do their shitty online program. I got tired of being on campus."

"Ah. Well- Wait," Shouto paused, then scowled at Katsuki. "Did you call me a 'sasshole'?"

"I did." It was actually an accident, but Katsuki wouldn't admit that. "It's a mixture of-"

"Sassy and asshole, no, I got it. Clever."

"Watch the attitude, Scar Face."

Shouto smirked a bit. "And if I don't?"

"Then I'd have to do this," He gave Shouto's shin a swift kick under the table, making the former jump a bit and jostle the table.

"Ow, you fuckin' asshole!"

It was Katsuki's turn to smirk. "Watch your language. This is a family establishment."

Shouto glared, reaching down to rub his shin. "I should-"

Katsuki licked his bottom lip, still smirking. "Say fuck again."

"No- Wait, why?"

"Your lips look provocative when you do."

Shouto just stared at the other for a moment, before rolling his eyes subtly and grabbing his smoothie once more. He took a long sip.

Katsuki tilted his head a bit, leaning back and spreading his arms across the back of the booth. "If you're trying to do that sexy sucking on straw bit, it's not working."

This made Shouto roll his eyes again, though this time more obvious as he pulled off of the straw. He licked his lips, closing his computer with one hand. "I was just taking a drink. Is that alright with you?"

"Nope. You're not allowed to drink the smoothie you paid for, in this public establishment, just because your barista was judging you."

Shouto laughed softly, taking another drink, before setting his cup down again. "My barista, huh?" He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. "I like the sound of that."

"You only come to me, even when the other register is open." Katsuki said with a shrug. "Which is fuckin' stupid, but whatever."

"Maybe I just like your people skills." There was only a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "Your nicknames always get me. My favorite is now sasshole."


"That one's a good one too."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and grabbed his cup again to take another drink, looking about briefly. He noted the amount of people beginning to thin out, and he figured it was getting close to the end of most people's study hours.

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