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"bruce hopkins?" a make voice asked, waking me up from my short snooze. i snapped my head up and saw a doctor holding a chipboard looking for us.

"that's me" hoppo replied as he stood up.

the doctor smiled, "we have great news about your daughter, grace. her surgery couldn't have gone any better and she is doing great. you can come in and see her but she'll just be waking up" he explained. a huge wave of relief washed over me and i couldn't stop smiling.

"what room?" hoppo asked.

"105, follow me" the doctor led us down the hall and to her room. he slowly opened the door and my heart sunk once i saw her in the bed.

she laid there emotionless with many wires connected to her. her chest slowly rose as she breathed through the tubes and you could hear it.

hoppo immediately went to her side and grabbed her hand. he stroked her hair and i saw a few tears roll down his cheek.

"my legacy..." he whispered as he knelt down, "i'm so glad your okay" it made me sad and guilty as i watched him cry over his daughter.

"jesse, you can come here" he motioned me to come over. i shuffled my way over to the other side and crouched down beside her. i rubbed my hand on top of hers and tears peaked at my eyes.

"i'm so sorry" was all i could say and i rested my head on her hand.

all of the sudden, i felt a small squeeze. i whipped my head up in shock and hoppo has the same expression.

"did you feel that?" he asked with wide eyes. i nodded my head before looking back down at her. her eyes slowly opened and winced at the bright lights.

"legacy..." hoppo said as he jaw dropped open, "legacy! oh my gosh, hun" he bent down and hugged her and she wrapped his arms around him.

"dad" she tried speaking but her voice cracked. he let go and her eyes met mine. she sent me a smile before i pulled her into a hug.

"i'm so sorry" i kept repeating as i held her.

"it's okay, jesse. it's not your fault" she spoke as he rubbed my back. hoop left the room to talk with the doctors and to let us have a moment.

"how are you feeling?" i asked, breaking the silence.

"kind of sore, honestly. and my head really hurts but i guess that comes with the joy of a concussion" she gave me a smile.

i sighed, "i feel so guilty. i was the one who invited you out"

she placed her hand on mine, "don't beat yourself up over this, please. it's not your fault at all. stuff happens and it doesn't always turn out good but hey, i'm alive and here talking to you"

"i suppose you're right. i'm just glad you're okay" she smiled at me before pulling me down and planting a kiss on my lips. we pulled away right before hoppo and the doctor came in.

"how are you feeling now, grace?" the doctor asked.

"my head kind of hurts" she told him. he doctor nodded his head before dimming the lights even lower. he handed her some pain killers and a glass of water.

Legacy (Bondi Rescue)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang