𝐕𝐈𝐈. rule breaker

Start from the beginning

      Curiosity killed the cat? Well, it looks like I was welcoming death with open arms.


      Upon arriving at the Swan residence, I wasted no time in paying the driver. As soon as I did, I made my way to the front door, knocking quickly. It took a few moments, but eventually, the door opened, revealing Bella.

      "Hey, come in," Bella hummed. I offered her a friendly smile before stepping inside.

      I gave a glance throughout the dully-colored house. It was the epitome of a Forks' home: cozy, small, and old. Even so, it fit Bella.

      But, I wasn't there to discuss the interior design of the Swan residence.

      "So, um... do you wanna, I-I don't know, um... hang out in my room?" Bella's voice was quiet and uncertain. The look on her face was awkward, but it was in character for her.

      "Yeah, sure. Let me guess... You've got posters of your favorite boy bands? NSYNC, maybe?"

      Bella's lips cracked into a half-grin at my joke, both of us loosening up a bit as we chuckled in unison.

      "Actually, a whole shrine. C'mon," Bella's subtle sarcasm always helped smooth things over, as I followed her through the house and up the stairs. I, however, was mentally preparing myself for the upcoming interrogation I had planned. I wanted the conversation to come naturally. I couldn't just straight-up question Bella in her own home. That would be wrong. And Bella wasn't stupid, she'd know that I'd only asked to come over for information.

      Eventually, we found ourselves in her room. Looking around, I took it all in. It wasn't big, nor was it small. The dim, yet warm lighting gave the room a soft sort of feel, one that made my tense shoulders relax.

      "You can set your stuff down. Wherever you want, I mean," Bella managed out. She seemed so uncomfortable, I could feel it.

      "You okay, Bella?" I asked, my brows pulling together in concern. Had I come at a bad time?

      Bella scoffed, her chin dropping as her head tilted towards the floor. I could see the tiniest bit of red forming on her cheeks, a rare sight.

      "Y-Yeah, sorry. Um, I don't... I've never had a sleepover? I guess," Bella spoke dryly, avoiding eye contact as we sat on her bed. Eventually, she looked up at me, and I moved to give her a friendly shove.

      "Well don't be nervous, it's not that big of a deal. And don't worry, I'm not gonna suggest hair braiding or nail painting. Unless you're into that?"

      With that, Bella seemed to loosen up. Daylin had always said I'd been good at that, making others comfortable.

      Setting my duffel bag out of the way, I walked to the end of the bed. I sat down tentatively, pursing my lips. Bella leaned back against the headboard, bringing her knees up to her chest. After a few moments of silence, she cleared her throat.

      "So what do you want to do-"

      "I'm sorry, I just have to ask. Why did Rosalie tell me to stay away from Emmett?"

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