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Okaaayy, I really don't know how to start writing this but a lot of my friends have recently been encouraging me to share my story as It would encourage more people in the brown community to speak up, and realize that they're not alone.

This is quite stressful as I'm going to open up about two things, the first one being sexual assault and the second being mental health, both of which are a myth in the tamil community.

Here's some background info before I begin:
I come from a loving home, my parents are so supportive and always have my back in everything I do and all the decisions I make. If they knew about what happened to me, they would have had my back 100%, but I could not put them through it. I chose to suffer in silence so that my parents wouldn't have to suffer at all. It was a hard decision to make, and one which I don't regret making.

DISCLAIMER: I'm trying to explain years of mental trauma lol, so the story is all over the place, I've split it in sections so I hope that's of some help.

*Wow loosu, you got to stop stalling, aight, back to the story lads*

Sexual assault and mental illness Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum