Sinara Eatery / Zayden's Promise Questioned / Kaesar wants Answers

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Inside the Academy, Flare stood in front of big golden doors, "Is everyone here?" she addressed.

Most of the participants stood in front of her.

"We're here and ready to eat!" beamed Kara, "Please tell me you have candy!"

Marubee stood beside her.

"Candy isn't supplied for dinner," Flare pouted her lips.

"Aw!" saddened Kara, "It's okay."

Javarus and Reno walked out of the Medical Room on the side.

"Hello participants Javarus and Reno," saw Flare, "Is participant Veny coming to eat?"

"He just went back to sleep," chuckled Javarus.

Flare nodded.

"How'd the training go?" Zayden walked beside Reno.

"It was great!" Reno turned, "I-I think I got better!"

"That's good to hear," smirked Zayden, then looked around the foyer, "Dedrian nor Aviva are here, so isn't Soro."

"Participants!" addressed Flare, "You only have 20 minutes to eat!"

"Don't keep me waiting Miss. Flare!" beamed Kara.

Flare turned around as she grabbed the big handles on the golden doors, "L-Let's see if I—" she struggled to pull open, "W-Why is this always difficult?!"

Reno worried, "Hey Flare I can—"

But then Smoke surrounded Flare's hands as the doors slowly opened.

"Hm?" saw the participants.

Flare's breath was heavy as put her hands on her knees, "I didn't need your help!" she stood up and faced the participants, "Make use of your time in the Sinara Eatery!"

"Yes!" cheered Kara.

The participants burst inside the room.

In the Sinara Eatery, a large digital clocked counted down 20 minutes on the wall. The room was brown carpeted with brown walls. A long dinner table was in the middle with all kinds of foods on top and a yellow chandelier high above.

"I'm glad I heard the announcement!" chuckled Zayden.

Everyone ran to the dinner table.

Outside of the room, Kaesar saw everyone preparing their plates from across the hall.

"Hm?" Reno turned with bread in his mouth, "Hey Kaesar!" he looked out of the door, "Come eat, it's really good!"

Kaesar put his hand in his pocket and walked into the Sinara Eatery.

Zayden, Reno, and Javarus sat at one table.

Marubee and Kara sat at another.

Kaesar walked to the two tables.

Zayden put his spoon in his rice, "Come sit with us," he saw him.

Kaesar turned.

"This soup is going to super good!" beamed Kara at her table.

"Okay just drink it," spoke Marubee.

Kaesar looked to their table.

Kara picked up the spoon, but then turned, "Oh, it's my gray-haired—"

But then Kaesar looked back to the boys.

"Hm?" saw Kara.

Kaesar walked to the boys table and took a seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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