Preference 11: How they find out about your powers

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Luther was moping in his room trying to fix the plane that he broke when he had been dancing earlier. When you asked him is he was okay he simply replied, "My dad sent me to the moon." You pushed down your annoyance and made to leave the room so he could mope in piece thinking that was all the talking you would get out of your love monkey for the day but surprisingly he continued. "And I miss it." Your look of annoyance softened into one of concern. You turned around to face him once again.

"What do you mean?" You asked hoping that he would say more. It wasn't often that he opened up to you. He was number one after all.

He sighed. "I miss it up there, okay? Was I lonely? Yes, but I didn't feel like such a blundering oaf all the time. I felt weightless and free. I miss that feeling."

"What if you could feel that way right now?" You asked kneeling down beside him. He smiled slightly at you shaking his head.

"It doesn't matter. There's nothing you can do about it. Forget I said anything." Luther told you brushing a lock of hair that had gone out of place with his fingers.

And then you showed him your powers making him float up off the ground into the air.


"You stay in the car alright? I'll call you when it's safe in there." Diego told you giving you a kiss. The two of you about to gift wrap some murderers for the cops.

"Be careful." You instructed squeezing his thigh where your hand rested.

"Relax, there are only three guys in there." Diego shrugged your worry off getting out of the car.

"Five." You instantly corrected having seen them in the room when you pulled up.

"What?" He asked leaning on the car door.

"Uh, nothing just stay alive." You told him with a smile. He nodded at you and went into the building. You watched him go with baited breath keeping your eyes trained on Diego the entire time. You heart stopped when you saw a sixth person hiding behind a counter and if you were seeing things right he had some kind of makeshift bomb. To make matters worse Diego couldn't see him. You whipped out your phone and called his number.

"Pick up Diego...please just pick up damnit." You muttered to yourself out of worry. You gasp as you hear buzzing beside you. He had left it in the car.

"Damn you Hargreeves! Not today." You shook your head leaping out of the car sprinting into the building. Hopefully if you moved fast enough neither of you would die.

"Diego!" You yell once he was in ear shot. Hearing your call he whipped around to face you. Before he could even ask what the hell you thought you were doing you warned him about the bomb. "Guy, bomb, behind the counter!"

Diego chucked a knife behind the counter killing the guy before he could finish his work and blow this place sky high.

"How did you know that guy was there? I didn't even know that guy was there." Diego demanded pointing from the dead body to himself.

"I have X-Ray vision."


Alison's ex was lying, and you knew he was lying about Claire wanting to see Alison. you could sense it with your powers. So you used your powers on him and forced him to give her back custody. When Alison asked how you did it you told her about your powers. she was mad of course her using her powers was how this whole situation started.


Klaus and you were running down an alleyway. Angry drug dealers who wanted there money hot on your tail.

"Klaus, we need to hide we're never going to out run them." You told him grabbing his jacket tugging lightly.

"Hide where!? There's no where to hide!" Klaus cried back feeling as if this whole thing was his fault.

"Yes, there is, just hold my hand and don't say a word." You told him pulling Klaus flushing against a brick wall using your powers so both you and Klaus blended into the brick you were leaning against vanishing from the dealers sights.

"Where'd they go!?" Drug dealer #1 demanded.

"They must have climbed upon on that roof!" Drug dealer #2 exclaimed pointing to a fire escape. Drug dealer # 1 nodded and the two scampered up the fire escape with the rest of their gangs leaving you and Klaus alone.

Once they were gone you sighed in relief ceasing your powers falling to the ground sweat dripping from your temple. Both you and Klaus safe from harm.


"Five, you've been gone a really long time. There are actually some things that have changed you know."

"Name one." Five countered continuing his walk up to his room.

"Me." You say causing the genius to pause and turn to face you. He considered you for a moment eyeing you up and down before he shook his head.

"Nope, still the same (Y/N) I remember. Age is just a mental construct, Time is just an illusion in that sense." Five smiled at you. "But I've got to say you grew up lookin real nice. Could stand to lose a little makeup though. Mascara and eyeliner is all you really need."

"I'm different Five." You stress attempting to explain to him that you have powers now but he shrugged your declaration off with ease.

"Not to me your not. Listen it doesn't matter what happened while I was away. You can insist how different you are til your blue in the face if you want to, but nothing, and I mean nothing is going to change the way I fe- see you. The way I see you." Five recovered from his slip up. "You're always going to be Y/n to me."

With that said five winked at you and resumed his climb up the stairs. You glared at five's back. Okay then, clearly he was as blind as ever. For a genius he really was an idiot. Since words didn't seem to be getting you anywhere, and actions speak louder anyways, you decided to do more showing and less telling. So, when Five Spacial jumped the last flight of stairs you met him at the top teleporting to his location via the use of your lightning powers.


"Wait we can walk through walls?" Ben questioned in awe as you walked through a wall. You nodded your head at him.

"We can walk through everything, and we can shoot energy blasts out of our hands or at least I can, and we could probably do that ghostly wail thing but I'm scared that if we start we'll never stop." You explain holding up your dominant hand a glowing green orb appearing in it.


Vanya was having an episode, her powers were going crazy, the entire apartment was shaking. You never wanted to use your powers on her but it seemed you had no choice. You struggled to make your way over to her, then hugged her tightly both of you falling back onto her couch. You forced your own calming emotions onto her forcing her to sleep. The shaking stopped and you knew it had worked. When she came too all it took was looking into your guilty eyes to see that you had powers.

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