Preference 2: what physical feature they love the most about you

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Luther: Your hair. It doesn't matter if it's brushed, tangled, up, down, short or long. It's simply a feature he's grown to appreciate with his new monkey form. If he can love your hair then he can learn to love his.

Diego: Your lips. It doesn't matter if you're talking, kissing, eating, drinking, whatever. Diego always catches himself staring at them and then he usually decides to put those lips of yours to better use.

Alison: Your ears. It doesn't matter if you wear earrings to decorate them or not. If you do it only attracts Alison's eyes to them even more. They're just right for whispering in.

Klaus: Your hands. He loves he way it feels in his so tight and secure. Grounding him, making him know that he's still among the living and not a ghost himself. Both your palms get sorta sweaty after a while but that never bothered number four. With all the crap Klaus has been forced through he needs a hand to hold.

Five: Your eyes. So alive and bright with life. So different from all the people he was surrounded by in the future, in his family, even in his own. If he had the time he would spend hours on end doing nothing but stare into those sparkling eyes of yours.

Ben: Your feet. You tend to tap them when your bored, which is most of the time because there really isn't much to do when you're dead, and Ben enjoys the sounds. Plus they're really easy for him to tickle, and the sound of your laughter is music to his ears amongst the ghostly wails that surround the two of you constantly.

Vanya: Your nose. It's just so kissable how could it not be her favorite?

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