Dodge ball

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 One of Dib's plans take a very wrong turn after a dodge ball game


The class of Miss Bitters's fourth graders were having their usual PE class after lunch break. The class was divided into two teams, Dib was on the one side and ZIM on the other. Today they played dodgeball. Despite the teacher telling the kids to "Keep the game nice and clean" many kids decided to throw the balls as hard as they could at their opponents. This ended with bleeding noses, throbbing headaches and bruises. Some kids were rolling on the ground groaning in agony. ZIM and Dib were still standing, eyeing each other menacingly.

'I've got you now ZIM' Dib thought looking at ZIM from across the playground. ZIM looked at Dib, nervous sweat rolling down his face. He wasn't that good at throwing balls. His arms were quite short. The ball felt heavy in his hands. 'Come on ZIM! The earth monkey isn't that far away, maybe you can hit that fat head of his and knock his ugly glasses off,' ZIM thought and lifted the dodgeball above his head ready to hit Dib with it, but before he could throw it-


He was hit by Dib's dodgeball. It was a solid hit in the groin.

ZIM let out an exasperated "OOF!"

The ball was a hard hit and ZIM found himself with his back on the ground. The ball bounced a few times and rolled away towards the school building.

"YES! I did it! Dib: 1 ZIM: 0! Take that space boy! Another victory for the human race!"

ZIM barely heard Dib's cheers and excitement. He was too preoccupied with the sharp agonizing pain shooting through him. He groaned and rolled on his side clasping his groin. The pain went all the way down to his knees. His legs felt numb. He'd been hit in the groin once before, on IRK while he was training to become an invader, but this was much worse than then. He felt as if he couldn't breathe. His brain switched from thinking about the horrible pain to hating Dib even more (if that was possible).

Fortunately, most of the kids didn't notice ZIM rolling around on the ground clutching his groin. As they were too preoccupied with their own pains and aches.

"All right, that's enough PE for today. Uh, anyone who wants to go to the nurse please come and get a permission slip from me. It's got to be worth going to the nurse, I ain't giving slips to kids with a scraped knee." The PE teacher said and started writing permission slips and gave it to the learners who 'deserved' them.

While ZIM desperately wanted to go to the nurse just for some ice, he just couldn't get himself to tell the nurse what had happened. It would have been too embarrassing, also what if the nurse wanted to look at where the ball hit him? He couldn't risk the nurse seeing his dick and notice that he's not human. And besides he didn't want to give Dib the satisfaction of knowing that he could throw so hard that ZIM needed to go to the nurse. He was just gonna have to suck it up and pretend like he wasn't going through a hell of a lot of pain.

ZIM got up with considerable difficulty, still clasping his groin with one hand and using the other to lift himself off the ground. He took a deep breath and removed his hand from his groin, pretending like everything was fine.

"Looks like you could use a trip to the nurse, eh ZIM?" Dib said standing nearby with his arms folded.

"Hah! Stupid earth monkey. ZIM barely felt that pathetic hit." ZIM responded.

"Didn't look that way, you were rolling around for almost two minutes."

ZIM couldn't think of a good comeback and glared angrily at Dib. With an audible "Humpf!" he turned and shuffled back to the school building. Trying extra hard not to walk too weird. However, he could still hear Dib laughing behind his back. Anger and humiliation welled up inside him. His face was flustered and he could feel his cheeks burning up.

Embarrassing short stories (ZIM and Dib)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora