That would be Creepy

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( Just a little bonus chapter to finish off the earlier three chapters. Some people were interested on what would happen if Eddy woke up to see Brett watching him sleep. Which is a comical and  creepy thing at the same time XD I have woken up to a friend just watching me sleep and let me tell you it's not very pleasant)

(Brett's pov)

Maybe bringing Eddy to a horror movie was a terrible idea. Of course I had gotten what I wanted: him clinging to my arm and trying to hide his face within the covering of my shoulder like the cutie he was, but then again he might of been mentally traumatized seeing someone hung by a meat hook by their mouth. I'd definitely say traumatized given that I am once more in his bed for some rest. He was too scared to be all by himself not trusting what the darkness hid. I personally am more concerned what can hide within the light before our very eyes.

I looked down at my boy who now lay asleep, head nuzzled into the side of my neck and arms laced around my own arm, he had also threw one leg over my abdomen. I take it back, it was an absolutely brilliant idea! However, I'm not completely sure if he wanted me with him to protect him from any supernatural spectator or so he could sacrifice me and run. The latter would be more practical though considering that I don't know how to fight off any ghosts or a serial killer for that matter. I'd try though for Eddy's sake . I ran a hand through his hair gently before I kissed his forehead," I'd live and die for you" I whispered softly hoping he'd do the same for me although deep down I knew he would. I glanced over at the nightstand which held an alarm clock. Sprawled across its screen in broad letters/numbers read 1:55 AM. I sighed to myself wishing I wasn't such an insomniac before I locked my eyes back on Eddy," I wonder what he's dreaming about." I said to myself watching how his face would scrunch up and how his nose would twitch.

( Eddy's Pov)

In the solitude of sleep the mind was allowed to dream, it was allowed to explore every new possibility. Yet mine always came to the conclusion wouldn't it be creepy if...... then it would run through a bunch of different scenarios. A prominent one seemed to be with cockroaches. Those damned things are like Satan's true form! The second thing that seemed to press it's way through is the one of being watched. I felt as if all eyes were on me yet I couldn't find the source of who or what was watching. Was it a serial killer,some demon or more cockroaches lurking in the darkness ready to pounce on my unsuspecting soul! Nope I am not doing this! I opened my eyes to end my tormented dreams only to find another pair of eyes staring right back at me. So I did what any brave manly guy would do and screamed like a little girl as I jolted backwards and sat up before realizing it was just Brett," WHAT THE HELL MAN!!!!"

He sat up lazily with a yawn still staring at me as I breathed heavily and wheezed from the scare," You need a hug?" He smirked lovingly.

" maybe" I pouted leaning my head into the curve of his shoulder," why are you not asleep and why were you just staring?" I said with a grumpy huff.

Brett played with my hair gently," I'm a slight insomniac and I wanted to make sure you weren't having any nightmares" he put his free hand on my hip rubbing circles into the bone," So calm down "

" Sweet of you but extremely creepy" I mumbled with a yawn

Brett smiled at me slightly," Gonna go back to sleep?"

"I'm not sure."  I murmured as we stayed in the loving embrace of one another

( The thought patterns are kinda amusing to me. Brett's thinking on some deep crap then there's Eddy who's thinking," You know what would be creepy?")

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