Sports festival Ends

Comincia dall'inizio

Izuku got back up like it didn't even hurt.

"What is this boy made of?!!" Present Mic questioned

Bakugo gritted his teeth and rushed forward and span around creating a wave of explosion as he shouted " Schneider Bomb!!"

"Tch" Izuku said as he was blasted backwards and thought ' he is purposely not letting me come close. He knows he will lose so he is keeping me at a distance'

"Die!!" Bakugo shouted as he held his hand out and said " HOWITZER IMPACT!!"

Izuku jumped upwards dodging the blow completely and quickly used the opportunity to kick bakugo in the gut and threw him backwards and bakugo used his explosion to stop himself from falling out.

'This has gone on long enough' izuku thought his hand inside his pocket.

Izuku then pulled out a tri pronged kunai which was wrapped in bandages and uncovered it throwing the bandages away.

Momo and the others looked at the kunai in awe, it was really shiny and had some paper strapped on the hilt, with some kanji written on it.

Bakugo said " Whatever you're planning i won't let you" he rushed forward and izuku threw the kunai in air and created a rasengan as he too ran forward.

Just when the kunai was directly above bakugo, izuku vanished in a flash of green and appeared above bakugo again with the same flash, bakugo who had no time to react as a rasengan was drilled into his back and bakugo slammed into the ground face first and out cold.

Everyone was silent, they didn't know what happened, one second izuku was running and in another, he appeared above bakugo and defeated him.

"W-winner Izuku Midoriya!!" Midnight and Mic shouted as everyone cheered.

Class 1-A came down and congratulated him on his victory and Momo asked "Midoriya-kun. What was the last move you used?"

Everyone turned silent and looked towards izuku eager to know as he said " That was my new move, Hiraishin or The Flying Thunder God"

"Woah! Sounds awesome" his classmates said impressed.

'You managed to do something crazy again, little brother' Midnight thought looking at her brother fondly.

'Totally a problem child' Aizawa thought thinking about izuku's Hiraishin.

"I created it thinking of the events of USJ, there was no escape, and help arrived late. So i made this move for quick travel, right now i only have one but i'll create more of these kunai's, where ever this kunai is, i can instantly teleport there" izuku explained twirling the kunai in his finger.

"Incredible, how did you create it?" Mina asked, thinking if she could somehow experiment something too.

"Memorized 15 Science books mainly physics and experimented to create this move, and a little help from kurama, no more details will be given now, because it's my secret" izuku said as everyone booed.

"Even this has study in it, come on" kaminari whined.

"So is there a limit to your teleportation?" Momo asked thinking of the details.

"Yes for now, i have not mastered it so i can only use it on myself and about 10 times at most" Izuku said looking at her.

"I see" momo said thinking deeply.

"Can i see the kunai please?" Momo asked as izuku handed it to her and said " Be careful, it's very sharp"

"Now for the award ceremony, the medals will be awarded by.." Midnight trailed off as all might landed shouting " It is I, All Might!!"

The Fox Hero Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora