Me : I'm sorry Neil I didn't knew you will call me this time & it's been almost 3 weeks since we had conversation, So ..... I replied while looking in other direction

Neil : Am so sorry Avi, I was so stuck at work in these 3 weeks that I totally forgot to call you, am extremely sorry ...... I heard him say

Me : it's okay Neil no need to be sorry, I can understand..... I replied while looking at him

Neil : After coming back to India you will be punished ...... I heard him say

Me : why will I be punished? ..... I asked him while raising my eye brows

Neil : look at yourself, what have you done to my Avi, who was cute bubbly girl & now I see some other person infront of me ..... I heard him say while smiling

When I heard him saying My Avi, I was blushing inside but controlled myself from showing it.... oh Neil you're giving me very tough time.... you being miles away from me & still managing to effect me in this way, don't know what happens when you'll be infront of me in actual.... gosh a mere thought of this is sending shivers down my spine..... I came out of his world when I heard him talk .....

Neil : what are you thinking Avi, do you want to share anything with me ..... I heard him say while looking at me in confusion

Me : yeah, soon there will be someone who will be calling you Mamu ...... I replied while smiling

Neil : oh wow you mean Diya is expecting..... that's a good news..... I just can't tell you how happy am, I'll be holding a baby in my hands ..... gosh am eagerly waiting ..... he replied while smiling

This smile of him will kill me one day for sure, he is looking so cute while talking about a baby... Thank god he is not here right now, if by any chance he would've been here then I'd have definitely kiss him & would have done many things to him ..... oh gosh Avni since the day you got to know that you both love each other, You're heart has started travelling in wild direction while imagining you both ( you & Neil ), don't you think you've to stop this.... I heard my brain say..... no need to stop this & only I've right to think & do all these things with him coz Mr. Neil Khanna belongs to Mrs. Avni Neil Khanna which is Me , So he is mine & am all his ..... I replied to my brain

Neil : Avi what happened ...... I heard him say & that is when I came out of my thoughts

Me : nothing & when are you coming back ...... I asked him while looking at him

Neil : looks like someone is missing me, not bad ..... he replied while smiling at me

Me : am not missing you, I just asked you ...... I replied while rolling my eyes

Neil : when did I take your name, I was talking about Manvi tai ...... he replied while winking at me

Me : oh Manvi tai ..... I repeated while looking in other direction

Neil : yeah & tell Manvi tai that I'll be back in 2 weeks & also tell her that am missing her ....... I heard him say while smiling

He claims that he knows me very well right, then can't he understand that I missing him so much.... & here is asking me to tell Manvi tai that he is missing her.... wow isn't it great.... I'm his wife, I'm missing my husband but he is not at all concerned about that.... well let him come back, once we confess to each other I'll not allow him to think or talk about some other woman other than me....

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