𝐕𝐈. just a legend

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      If she wasn't busy with Edward. I couldn't blame her, though. They were in love, and I was happy for them.

      Shaking my head, I disregarded the thought, not even wanting to get started on the Cullens. They weren't a part of my life, I shouldn't worry over them anymore.

      Pulling up to the school, Daylin turned to me.

      "I'm gonna be working late tonight. If you wanna spend the night anywhere, just shoot me a text, okay? And if I don't see you tomorrow, just let me know what you're getting into," he spoke with a serious yet loving tone, one I knew all too well.

      "I will, I promise. Love you, Day,"

      "Love you too, kiddo."

      Exiting the cruiser, I waved goodbye as he drove off. I watched the car until it was out of sight, and continued to stare in the direction. That is, until I felt someone watching me.

      My body tensed, the burning gaze familiar. I'd gotten used to it over the past few weeks and had always managed to ignore it, either quickly walking off or setting my focus on something else. But, this time was different. No one was around to pull me away, and I felt glued to the black asphalt of the parking lot.

      I knew better than to look at the culprit, but this time I couldn't control myself. It was like every bit of gravity was forcing me to turn my head. And I did.

      My breath caught in my throat.

      It was Emmett. Go figure.

      He refused to look away. His face was unmoving, tight-lipped, and firm. I could tell he was rigid by the way his hand gripped the edge of his gigantic jeep. I found it a little funny how neither of us moved. Neither of us said a word.

     We just stared.

      The interaction was cut off, the warning bell ringing incessantly to get everyone to their first class. I blinked, pulled out of the trance I'd previously been in. I looked towards the school, before glancing back at the jeep.

      He was nowhere to be found.

      Sighing, I turned around and made my way to class. I had to move on with my day, I couldn't stay hung up over it. Emmett was trouble, just like I had told him a month prior. I knew to stay away.

      So why did I want to do the opposite?


      My Friday went by relatively slowly after Emmett and I's scene in the parking lot. During history, I had asked Angela if she wanted to do anything over the weekend – alas, she was going out of town for a family trip. I wasn't upset and reassured her that I understood

      After history, I managed to float my way through PE, drawing as little attention to myself as possible.

During free period, Bella and I spoke about nothing in particular, graduation coming up once or twice. It was clear to me that she was excited about it, and I was jealous that she seemingly had her life together.

      Lunch was...  interesting. I'd gotten pretty good at ignoring the Cullen table. But, today was different. As I ate, I didn't feel the normal staring from Emmett. At first, I just shrugged it off as though I was being dramatic, or crazy. But one glance at the Cullens proved otherwise.

      Emmett wasn't there, along with Jasper, Rosalie, or Alice. It was just Edward and Bella. I felt my brows knit together, worry filling my body. It was a weird kind of worry, an unprecedented one. I tried to brush it off, but of course, couldn't. The walls I'd been working so hard to build, to keep the Cullens away, were quickly crumbling — all because of Emmett.

ethereal ✧ emmett cullen [ 1 ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant