Chapter 11

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A/n: Sooo, I'm back! A lot has happened in the last four months. I'll spare you my pitiful excuses but, erm, one issue piled up after another and I was prevented from getting on here and writting. I'm super sorry that I didn't say anything, just, disappeared. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update but I will try the best I can! Thank you all for being so patient with me! Nice to be back.

P.S. I'm sorry but this chapter is gonna be a little shorter than normal.

I straightened up the room slowly and with no motivation, stalling for as long as I could. I wanted my father to stay in prison with every fiber of me being, but we don't always get what we want. In a few hours, this room would be his and I would have to live with the man that killed my brother and drove my mother to alcohol. My life was screwed up because of him. At least I have Devon to help me through this.

As if he heard my thoughts, he strode into the room and grabbed my elbow and spun me around to face him. I heaved a sigh and he tucked a stray hair behind my ear. Leaning my head into his palm, I took his other hand and turned it around in mine.

"You're beautiful," He smiled.

"Now is hardly the time," I scoffed, pulling my head from his hand.

"Well I never know with you, so it was worth a shot," He replied calmly. I sighed and fell back into the armchair behind me, covering my face with my hands.

I will not break. I will not cry.

I felt Devon's weight on the arm of the chair beside me and I stared at the wall in the other direction. I dug my nails into the palm of my hand as Devon patted my head.

"It'll be alright, Nate. I promise," He reassured as the doorbell rang.

I felt my nails break the skin and I got up, stood in the doorway for a moment, and, without turning around, replied, "Don't make promises you can't keep."

Shaking, I walked to the front door and took a deep breath, Devon's absence burning a hole in my confidence. I knew what I said probably hurt him, but I have more important things to worry about. with one last deep breath, I opened the door.

The man that stood in front of me wasn't the man I remebered. This man was still tall and thin like I recalled, but he looked less skeletal. His hair was a deep brown and was peppered with flecks of grey. His green eyes were no longer terrifying and angry, but sad.

"Natalia," The man said quietly. I froze as he reached his hand out towards me, but another hand met his in a handshake before he could touch me. I hadn't even noticed Devon come up behind me.

"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Reed," Devon smiled.

"The pleasure is mine," My father replied, eyeing Devon suspiciously before adding, "And please, call me Drew."

"Mr. Reed works for me just fine." Devon's smile was brittle and insincere.

I still hadn't found my voice so Devon led my dad to his room and helped him get situated. Before he left, he gave a quick peck on the cheek and told me to go make some tea and they'd be back in a moment. I asked him to be careful and reluctantly headed into the kitchen.

I brewed some tea and poured three mugs as Devon returned with my father.

"So," My father cleared his throat and broke the silence. "What's your relationship with my daughter?" He asked Devon. I bristled at the title. My daughter.

"I'm her boyfriend, sir," Devon smiled and took my hand. My father didn't look pleased.

"What makes you think you're good enough for her?" Drew asked.

"With all due respect, I'm much better for her than you are," He snapped.

Drew sighed and clasped his hands in front of him. "I was very troubled back then, but I got help. I'm better now."

"You couldn't have gotten help before you killed my brother?" I growled, standing up.

"Hey," Devon frowned as he grabbed my wrist gently, turning my bloody palm upward. I'd dug my nails into my hand again. He grabbed a cloth from the cupboard and wrapped it around my bleeding hand. I mouthed a quick "sorry" before staring at my father quietly.

"Nate," Drew frowned.

"Don't," I said, stopping him quickly. The last thing I wanted to do was talk to him.

"Well," He said as he stood up. I felt Devon's hand on my arm, as if he was afraid my father would make a move towards me. Drew turned to his room and cast a solemn look over his shoulder and said, "I'm going to lie down," before disappearing into the hall.

I looked after him and sighed, lying my head down on the table. I felt Devon's hand trail across my back.

"It'll be okay," He smiled faintly.

I turned my head towards him and frowned. "Sure, whatever you say."

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