" The First Day "

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* loud ringing * I groan trying to wake up and realize that it's the first day of school . I slowly get up out of bed turning off my alarm , I washed my face and picked out something to wear . Maybe I should tell you about myself . My name is Vada Hutchinson , I know weird name . I hate my name . I'm 16 almost 17 in a month .

My two best friends are Molly and Cody . I have one brother named Ansel . We both have weird names , but he is the same age we are twins . Did I not mention that ? My dad left us when we were 2 . My mom is still here though . I wouldn't call us rich and I wouldn't call us poor . Back to reality .

I got down stairs to see Ansel eating waffles ( his favorite food ) . I grabbed his last bite of waffle , and headed out " Hey ! Why did you eat my last bite Vada !" Sorry bro . I laughed . " Hurry up if your riding with me Ansel !" I yelled . " Okay Okay ." We both hopped into the car , and I turned on the music while driving to the school . After about 5 minutes of driving we pulled into the school parking lot .

We both walked beside each other to the front doors , other people were all doing the same . Ansel ran up to one of his fellow friends leaving me alone . I finally took a glance to see Molly . I ran up to her screaming , we hugged each other like we haven't seen each other in years . " Oh my god I missed you Molly !" " I missed you to V !" ( that was my nickname for her .) " Where is Cody ?" " I just text , him he is about to be here ."

Cody finally got to the school and we all did the same hugging each other and telling each other what we did over the summer and how much we missed each other . I went to the office in line with other students to get my schedule .

1st & 2nd Period - Algebra 2

3rd Period - French

4rd Period - Lunch

5th Period - English

6th Period - Chemistry

7th Period - American History

8th Period - Soccer

That is my schedule for the whole year . Yeah I know . I headed to Algebra 2 to get that over with . I didn't see really anyone I was really close too in my class , this sucks . I said " hi " to some people I've casually seen , just to be friendly and maybe make some new friends . I sat in my assigned seat and got out my materials . Then Jordan Jennings walked in sashaying all over the classroom like usual . Then sat beside me ...

" ARE YOU KIDDING ME !" How did Jordan even get into Algebra 2 . I thought in my mind . I was literally screaming my head off silently . She's part of the popular clique something I'm not apart of .

I went through all of my periods and then came lunch . I sat down at one of the tables with my own lunch , next to my two best friends . Then a boy came up to me to ask my name . " Vada ." I told him . " Nice name , may I sit here Vada ." he said . Sure , I gladly replied . In my mind I was just thinking how hot he looked . He might be new . The rest of the day went by fast , so far I like my new schedule . It's going to be a great year .

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