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Jacob walked into the restaurant, scanning quickly and seeing Sangyeon sitting at a table in the corner. He quickly and quietly made his way to the table, Sangyeon looking up from the menu when he heard footsteps.

"Oh my god, you're alive!" He stood up, hugging the younger boy. He grabbed Jacob by the waist, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at Jacob's face.

"Okay, when was the last time you ate?" He asked, his voice compiled with concern. Jacob shrugged, moving out of the elder's grip and sitting down across from him.

"Okay, well let's order some food! Whatever you want, don't worry about money, okay? I'm paying." Jacob nodded, looking at the menu, playing with his hands under the table.

The two boys ordered and Sangyeon sat further in his chair. He looked at Jacob with a worried expression, forcing the younger to look back.

"So, tell me all about what happened! Just rant out everything to me, it's good to get off your chest from time to time!" Jacob nodded, taking a deep breath and grabbing his sleeves to pull them down a little.

"Well, I'll start with about a week ago and make my way to today, which I have really good news for!" He waited for Sangyeon to nod, than continued. "Well, besides just stress from life itself, theirs the added bonus of work and school. Finals are coming up and I need to study, plus I did have to work but since I got fired I can't really pay bills as easy. Of course Kevin is worried but I can't tell him cause he will worry even more! I don't want to put that on him as well. I don't even think I want to tell you all of this, buts it's happening apparently." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"If I fail my finals I fail my classes, and if I fail my classes I won't get a good job and that's stressful as it is. I don't want to work small jobs on the side for the rest of my life. Those done pay enough, with how expensive bills are these days. Plus, I want a phone so I can contact Kevin easier, otherwise I don't really care. Like, I know we are soulmates and there is that skin connection, but it's annoying sometimes to communicate that way.

We already had to learn about each other through that before either of us got phones. Than we learned each other's names and it's been like that since I could afford to pay for my phone. I just want to try and live a comfortable life. I can barely afford food, especially cause I got fired too. Working and school had given me little time to talk to anyone, sleep, eat or really do anything. Sorry, that was a lot." He breathed, finally finishing.

Sangyeon looked at him, smiling sadly at him before looking at the food that was placed on the table. Sangyeon gave him a look that said 'what about today' so he nodded.

"I went on an interview and I got a call before I came here saying that I got the job. I'm going to start Monday, which is risky cause I need to pay bills, but it's okay. If I have to live without power or water until I get my first check, it's not the end of the world. I've done it before." He smiled, taking a bite of his ramen. Sangyeon had his chop sticks resting on his bowl, his eyes on Jacob in a look of question.

"How long has it been since your parents, you know- if you don't mind me asking." Jacob took a minute, searching his brain for things.

"Um, hold on. I'm what, 21 years old? So, it will be seven years quite soon actually." He said, his voice going quieter than before. Sangyeon looked at him, reaching across the table and grabbing Jacob's hand.

"I'm sorry, by the way. I wanted to ask you something, and please consider it." Sangyeon asked, watching Jacob look up with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Sangyeon, if this is abo-"

"I know, but please, at least let my buy you some groceries or pay a bill or something. I hate seeing this happen to anyone, especially someone I care about. At least this once! You shouldn't have to live like this, especially in the crappy apartment." He tried to reason. Jacob inhaled deeply, exhaling only a few seconds later. He squeezed Sangyeon's hand before nodding.

"Okay, but just this once!" Sangyeon smiled, nodding.

"Okay, well I'm going to take you grocery shopping after this. For now, eat up before your food gets cold!"



I never realized how much I liked writing this story, and that I barely update it. I want to try updating more frequently!

Thank you so so much for 500+ reads!! It's a great accomplishment on a story I thought would be a flop!! ❤️❤️ Love you all!!

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