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"Now time to reply to Kevin." Jacob whispered to himself after realizing he still had about two hours until he actually had to leave for school. Instead of texting back, he decided to call his soulmate, thinking it would be easier to talk to him that way.

He opened Kevin's contact in his phone and clicked the call icon, seeing as it was about 10:30 and he would most likely be awake. He was surprised when Kevin picked up after the first ring, immediately talking to him.

"JACE BAE YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH! ARE YOU OKAY? YOU BETTER BE OKAY? Did you sleep? Did you eat? What happened? Why were you cr-" Kevin rambled on, asking eight million questions.

"Kevin, Calm down; I'm alright!" Jacob replied, stopping the younger's rant. He started writing down times on his arm, knowing that would add to the questions Kevin had, but not really caring.

"Did you sle-ep?" He asked, his voice cracking at the end. Jacob stiffened a laugh as he hummed.

"I slept all night!" He happily replied, putting his own away.

"Ignore that! Did you eat?"

"Not yet, but I woke up a little bit ago and I have plans to eat later."

"But you need to eat breakfast! Do you have school or work today? Please tell me it's either one or the other. Better yet? Neither. You need to rest!" He whined. Jacob sucked in a breath and shook his head.

"I have school, but I was Uh- I was fired from my job. I had an interview yesterday for a new one! But I start in a couple hours, for school, and my classes end at around 4:30! I am eating after that!" Jacob explained his schedule, hearing a groan from the other end.

"I'm sorry you got fired, and I'm glad you're at least going to eat something! Eat a lot though, you need to eat more!" Kevin explained. Jacob only hummed and checked the time.

"I have to start getting ready for school, so I will talk to you later!" He said, smiling at the boy on the other end; despite him not being able to see it.

"Okay! Don't overwork yourself, and make sure to drink water if you aren't going to eat for a while! Also, tell that girl that hurt you to shove a pen u-"

"KEVIN!" Jacob screamed, cutting off what the younger was going to say. He heard a chuckle and rolled his eyes.

"Okay Fine, Bye Bae!"

"By Moon!" Jacob hung up after that, putting his phone down and started to walk away so he could get ready for school.

After he was done doing so, he grabbed his bag and made sure everything was in it. He checked time and saw that he would have enough time, and started on his journey to school.

After his classes ended, Jacob went back to his house to change into something more casual and texted Sangyeon. The older saying 'great' and 'I'll meet you there, down the street from the convenient store'. He put his shoes back on and started walking down the street. His phone started to buzz in his pocket so he stopped walking and grabbed it. It was Mr. Ko, from his job interview, and he smiled in a sad manner.

"Hello?" He asked after picking up the phone.

"Is this Jacob?" A voice on the other end asked.

"This is..." Jacob replied, practically hearing the smile on the other males voice.

"Great! I am only calling to tell you that we read through your profile and that we are accepting you at our work place!" Mr. Ko said, Jacob's face immediately forming a smile.

"That's great!" He replied.

"Yeah, we were hoping you could start on Monday, unless you need to start later which would be fine. Whatever works with you the best!" Mr. Ko stayed. Jacob though about the few bills on his counter, but decided he would be fine and hummed lightly, more to himself than to anyone else.

"That's okay with me! Thank you so much!" He said, relief filling his body.

"Okay, great! I will email you with more information about the place itself. Otherwise, have a good rest of your day!" Jacob'ms smile widened at how polite the other male was.

"You too, thank you again!" With that he hug up and continued on his way to the ramen place, feeling happier than before.

Creative and Forgetful// Moonbae Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu