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"Or us!"

You looked back in surprise seeing your other teammates. both Rin and Obito looked at you and nodded you smirked in return.

Minato narrowed his eyes. Maybe getting you alone would be harder then he thought Kakashi seeing his opportunity escaped and landed near you:"I can still fight" all four of you just looked at each other, silently communicating with your eyes, with a final nod you all turn to your sensei.

Of all the times...now they decide to work together' Minato sighed and smiled.They're finally acting like a team'

He pushed his obsession to the side.

He'll get you some other time it's not like you're going anywhere.

He stood straight with his arms crossed.

He narrowed his eyes further  ,challenging his students when all of a sudden Kakashi, Rin, and you disappeared before he could react arms wrapped around him tightly trapping his own.

His eyes widened in surprise just as he was about to catch a glimpse of his captor he heard Obito call out his jutsu.

"Fire style:fireball jutsu!"

A huge ball of flame made its way towards him , thinking fast he pulled all his body weight to the side and pushed himself with his captor off the branch just in time.

His captor let him go with a grunt and jumped off to safety, Minato landed gracefully on the bottom looking up with surprise just as he was about to make his move.

He heard a jingle and his students laughter.

"Alright (y/n) !! It worked!",Obito cheered along with Rin.

Minato looked at you in surprise as you jingled the bells in your hands with a smirk on your face.

"How did you-"

"You lose Sensei",you chuckle and jump down from the branch you were we in your team following suit.

Minato sighs and smiles softly as you handed him the bells.

"It seems I have. My have all of you grown. I'm very proud of you. Even you Kakashi for actually complying in teamwork. Well trainings over for today why don't we head out for ramen!"

Obito cheered with delight making Rin giggle and Kakashi roll his eye , but smile.

You on the other hand rubbed the back of your neck almost nervously catching your sensei's attention.

"Is something wrong(y/n)?"

"Eheh. As much as I'd love to eat some ramen I think I'm going to pass"

Your teammates all stared at you.

"W-what!? But Whyyyyyyyyy??? Aw come on (y/n), don't be like that I'll even let you give me your ramen"

"Obito!" Rin scolded.

"Heh, I'm sorry it's been a long day, I got a lot in my mind. All I want to do is shower and rest...So I'll see you guys tomorrow. BYE ",you ran off before they could say anything.

Your teammates blinked. Minato  on the other hand narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but soon shrugged it off and led the way to the Ramen shop with the rest of his students


You made it home and sighed in relief, you entered your house and closed the door behind you not forgetting to lock it...you know just in case something weird happens.

As you walked to your room you stripped yourself of your lower attire (not panties) and were half way through your shirt when you heard a flusteredand partially alarmed.


You blinked behind your shirt and flushed red frozen to the spot.

'Why does the universe hate me?!' ,you mentally whined as you slowly lowered your shirt .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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