Chapter Two: Welcome Home

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You had been sitting quietly in the back seat for a little under an hour before your bones jumped out of your skin. A dark haired man now sat beside you, piercing blue eyes gazing at you from the rear view mirror. He was an angel. At least you assumed he was an angel with how uptight he looked. The car swerved in response of this mans appearance as well, Dean cursing under his breath as his brother clenched his fist into the leather of his seat.

"Hey Cas, always nice of you to pop in." Said the taller one; Sam spoke sharply. You clenched your jaw at his voice, you had to watch out for him. You've heard all about Sam fucking Winchester. "I get agitation from your tone." Neither brother answered. "Who is the woman sitting next to me?" He spoke, you glared at the side of his head but before you could speak Jack beat you to it.

"Castiel this is Y/n! She's my friend, or at least I'm trying to make her my friend-" His voice lowered a little, "She's the one I was having visions of." Castiel seemed to ignore this, but you noticed a shift in his posture. Dean was quick to interject, leaving you to forget about any kind of visions or secrets between the two men. "We're taking her to the bunker." Castiel tilted his head. "You always contradict yourself, isn't she-" He gave you an awkward side glance and you almost found it endearing, until he finished speaking. "An unnecessary problem?" You could see Sam turn to his brother with an 'I told you so' kind of look. Castiel's words spoken like the topic was from another conversation they had.

"She's hurt, she's a hunter she's coming to the bunker." Castiel tilted his head at the elder Winchester's words. "Why not drop her off at the nearest hospital like you do with all of the other survivors?" Sam still had the same face directed towards his brother and you rolled your eyes snapping at the attractive angel.

"They would've charged me millons of dollars I don't have, asked questions about the disappearances and murders not to mention-- the shape shifter that left me there to die, I'm sure it wouldn't think twice about coming to finish the job especially since my story would've been all over the news. Your boy here is saving you the trouble of another case, thank him. Don't question him." Before anyone could get out another word, not that they would've, you spoke again.

"I just need to sleep for a couple days and then I'm out, I'm not there to eat your food or anything. Just need a bed." Everyone sat silently as you looked out the window into the trees. You had to be somewhere in a couple of days anyways.

When the five of you got to the bunker, Sam and Dean went in ahead of you, Jack and Castiel. Jack walked beside you, holding your body weight so you could walk. After almost collapsing for the forth time Jack looked puzzled, searching for a solution. He smiled and swooped you off your feet, carrying you bridal style to the doorway. You laughed a little, letting him carry your broken body through the doors. "How old are you Jack?" He had to gulp back a sound when he heard his name on your lips.

"I-I'm-" He trailed off, taking a breath before he answered. "I'm exactly three months old and 14 days." He said almost robotically. "You're kidding right?" You chuckled and he stayed silent as he placed you on his bed, "You can sleep here, and you can use Sam's laptop. It has less porn than Deans." There was a yell from across the bunker 'Hey!' You chuckled at the older brothers voice. You guessed the younger Winchester was okay with you using his property, or Jack wouldn't have given it to you, so you shrugged and nodded at him. "Thank you, Jack."

He could've sworn he was having a heart attack with how your name rolled off your tongue. He had already fallen and he doesn't have a clue what it means. "Oh!" You stopped him from leaving the room. "Where will you sleep?" He smiled kindly at your question. "I don't sleep much, if any. Ill use the couch or one of the spare rooms if I get tired." He gave you a closed eye grin and you returned it.

Why doesn't he sleep? You asked yourself. You rolled your eyes at the stupid question, every hunter gets nightmares. "Okay, goodnight." It was murmured softly as you yawned and he had to hold back from-- what? He didn't know. He hesitantly walked from his room to the library with complexity on his features. "I like her." It was spoken cheerily and only bought a chuckle in response. "Thats good. You're gonna be here with her until she leaves. Me, Dean and Cad need to head out tomorrow morning. We found a case a state over, shouldn't be too long."

Jack nodded, he was happy to be trusted with such a fragile task, and was excited to be around you a little while more. "Okie dokie!" Sam looked at him with a funny smile, the boy no doubt getting the phrase from Dean. "Get some rest bud." The younger Winchester spoke as he passed the young nephilim, patting him on the shoulder. "If you can." Jack nodded back eagerly. "Course."

Edited: Mar 20, 20

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