You're Still Awake, He's in Danger

Start from the beginning

He stumbled out into the hall as he tried again and again to get the knot on his tie right, unaware of his visitor until he crashed right into them.

"Who the-" He stepped back, cutting himself off when he saw who it was. "K-Ken? What are you..."

"I-I-It's Sunday, Shu... Remember? I came t-t-to make breakfast for us both..." Ken answered, looking incredibly worried as he looked the red-eyed Blader over. "I heard you were out late last night, so I wanted to let you sleep in a bit... B-But then I heard you screaming, and I came to check on you... Are you okay?"

"Uh..." Shu lifted a tremoring hand to his forehead, realizing it was slick with sweat. This somehow made his head begin to spin like a Beyblade and he latched onto Ken for stability, trying to fight back the vomit rising in his throat. "No... No, I feel horrible..."

"Alright... Come on, let's sit down for a moment..." The puppeteer cooed, guiding the red-eyed Blader to the couch and helping him sit down. Ken gave Shu a few minutes to breathe and collect himself. "What's going on, Shu? Was it a nightmare?" Ken questioned softly.

"Sort of... A-Ashtem appeared last night, and he told me... He told me Fubuki is in danger... Fubuki Sumiye, I helped him with a case yesterday..."

"Yeah, I heard about it on the news. I-I don't think you need to be worried, though, they've apprehended the men responsible, and the trial is going to start this evening."

"This evening? A-Alright, then I have time..." Shu sighed out a breath of relief, closing his eyes. "Ashtem told me one of those guys was going to bring a gun in, and nobody would know until... Until he shot Fubuki... I have to go to the trial. I have to keep him safe. I have to-"

He started to stand, then Ken grabbed his wrist and gently pulled him back down.

"Easy, Shu, easy... I understand, I do, but you can't protect him if you're all turned around like this." He placed a hand on the red-eyed Blader's shoulder, coaxing Shu into looking his eyes. "You have time, just like you said. Use it to calm down and get your strength back."

Shu stared into the canine Blader's eyes, slowly nodding as everything gradually and finally came back into focus. "Right... You're right... I just... I just need to rest a little bit before I can do anything..."

"Yeah." Ken murmured, undoing the detective's tie and then knotting it correctly. He looked back to Shu's eyes, smiling kindly as he continued. "You go clean up, and I'll focus on making some breakfast for us. Alright?"

"A-Alright." Shu mumbled, a little smile touching his lips. "Thanks, Ken..."

"It's what friends do."

Fubuki and Suoh sat a couple feet from each other in the blond-haired Blader's bedroom, both silent and still as the darkness as they waited for the other to start the impending, inevitable and uncomfortable talk.

Fubuki was certain he was going to be scolded like a child. Suoh was certain he would be on the receiving end of a particularly nasty 'I told you so'. Both didn't know that the other was planning the exact opposite of what was expected.

If tension had a color, it would be this gross yellowish-gray-green color. If it had a viscosity, it would be a thick, tar-like substance that somehow felt slimy to the touch. Like, it had a layer of invisible ooze on the outside.

That sounded right to Fubuki. He decided that they were sitting in a disgusting, yellowish, slimy swamp.

It's like pus that won't drain out. Fubuki thought, scrunching up his nose a little. Then, he took a deep breath and decided to end the delay. "Um... Suoh?"

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