Chapter 3

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I wake up handcuffed to my fucking hospital bed. My dad is sitting in the waiting chair. Both of my arms and a leg is chained down I can't move. I shoot him a look. "You broke some property and could've been a danger to other patients. They let you off easy though considering you're pregnant." I didn't like being chained I wanted to get up. "I have to pee," I say," Since you know pregnant women's bladders are tiny." My dad snorts," yeah you think I'm that stupid, you've got a catheter, you are not going anywhere." I groan, and close my eyes. I think I drift off to sleep. I wake up with the familiar feeling of bile, I was going to be sick. I can't move, the handcuffs. I throw up and it lands straight back on me. I try to lay on a side so I don't make it worse. The doctors are running in and I'm unhandcuffed. I'm lifted to the tiny bathroom in the hospital room. I throw up till my insides feel like mush. I lean my forehead on the porcelain bowl, panting. My vision blurs again.
I wake up with only one hand hand cuffed. "They thought last time may have taught you a lesson." I suddenly got mad, I hadn't smoked it hours, maybe days, and I was feeling it. I look at my dad a whimper," I really need to smoke." He gives me a look," You can't smoke when pregnant!" I start going crazy, I needed a cigarette. I start crying," I need one, I need one now!" I start screaming. The doctor comes in thinking something is wrong. I start going hysterical, I had to have a cigarette. Though pregnant anyone aren't supposed to smoke, they had a fucking police officer to take me outside with one hand handcuffed and smoke a cigarette. I took my time, it was Summer and it felt great outside. I hated hospitals anyway, this whole visit had stressed me out, not to mention being told I had a parasite I wasn't allowed to get rid of. The officer walks me back inside, surprisingly he was gently and he never shoved me around once. Once I get back inside, the doctors move me into floor 5 (mental ward) I'm again chained to a hospital bed, but if I scream here I won't bug the other patients. The doctor starts explaining to me all about pregnancy and my symptoms. "Tyler you need to calm down, all you've done this visit is stress yourself and that is really bad on the baby." I give his a dirty look as he goes on and on. "Doctor, I don't wanna be some fatso who waddles and has to rely on someone to get them out of bed." "If you excersise regularly that might help with the weight gain and things, but since you are a guy you should get a decent size. I do have concerns though because you've lost 20 pounds in these past two weeks due to your chronic morning sickness." I groan at the thought," Don't remind me." I can feel my dads glare, I'm shocked he's stayed around this long. He usually always has something better to do than deal with me, and Mom, mom had died a few years ago to colon cancer. That was fine though cause she was a bitch. He goes on, and he removes my catheter and he unhandcuffs me. I debate on swinging at him, but my wrist hurt from the restrain and I guess I needed to keep these tubes in me for more than I was unconscious for. He acts surprised when I don't go to attack him, but I did notice he locked the door. I fell back asleep instead of dealing with my dad.

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