Stupid bar fights and sweet moments with Klaus (little fluff story)

Start from the beginning

The man tugged on Ray's hair, fingering it in between his finger tips for a second before Klaus slapped his hand and stood up, towering over the man who was only 5'4 at most.

"You know wanna be Ken, you make my mouth taste like plastic- or cardboard. Whatever bland tastes like; maybe a stale piece of toast."

"Ooh what a wise guy you are." The man taunted. "You couldn't possibly be her boyfriend, you look like too much of a fag."

"Look here buddy-" Ian jumped up from his stool only for Ray to get up and grab both Ian and Klaus's wrist.

"Cunts like him aren't worth it guys." She told them firmly. They both looked at her, their faces deflating. With rigid motions, they both sat back down while the guy had a smirk on his face.

"I'm bi, by the way." Klaus muttered.

"What was that, pansy? I couldn't hear ya over the sound of the whip ya girl used." Klaus sprung back up from out of his seat, getting in his face.

"You think you're such a tough guy? No woman, and I mean no woman would ever wanna be with a guy who looks like he's had plastic surgery to look like a botched version of Tom Cruise."

"Klaus, it's okay." Ray snaked her hand into his and squeezed it tight. Snapping out of it, Klaus turned his head to her and smiled brightly.

"You're right, Freckles. I'm wasting my breath on someone with only half a brain cell." He sat back down while Ray stood up, glaring at wannabeken.

"As fun as this has been, why don't you go pee on a bench Fido.

He chuckled, putting his hands on Ray's hips. "Oh come on Freckles, ditch the fag and-" He didn't have time to finish his sentence as Ray's fist connected with the side of his jaw, then she head butted him, a satisfying cracking noise emitting from his nose, as he went down like a sack of potato's.

"He said he's fucking bi-sexual!" She seethed. "And no one calls me Freckles but him!" She added, her eyes ablaze.

All the boys squawked at her in shock for a moment.

"I thought you said he wasn't worth it?!" Klaus blurted out.

"I lied." She muttered, taking a deep breath. "That felt really good to do." She told them, dusting her hands off awkwardly as they stared at her.

"I think it's safe to say I'll always feel protected around you babe." Klaus told her, poking her side and then wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to his chest, seeing the obvious signs of discomfort start to bloom on her face as everyone at the bar stared.

"Okay stop staring!" Lip barked at the bar. "It's like you people haven't seen worse of somethin'."

"Oh they've seen a lot worse." Ian added on while Kev smirked at him and Lip.

"Of course they have with the Gallagher's coming here all the time."

"Man," Ray started. "My hand hurts like a bitch." She took a long swig of her beer right after saying that.

[later that night]

Klaus and Ray danced drunkenly to the music drifting in the background as the rest of the Gallagher clan, plus Steve, talked among them selves, still drinking.

"I still can't believe you did that!" Klaus laughed as he swayed back and forth, Ray's arms wrapped lazily around his neck and she stood on her tiptoes to dance with him at the same height.

"It felt really, really good." Ray told him with a grin. "I just- sometimes I get tired of being the voice of reason and you know I do think reasonably he needed a punch to the mouth anyway. Fuckin' prick."

"Right you are my dear, right you are." Klaus in a posh British accent. Suddenly Ray fell back on the couch, pulling Klaus down with her, giggling as he tried not to fall directly on her. Ray scooted a little and Klaus laid beside her.

Klaus stared at Ray for a while quietly as they laid together. "What are you staring at?" She whispered to him. Klaus gave her a half smile, his eyes gleaming.

"I think.. I think I'm falling in love with you Leah." He told her softly. Ray stared at him in surprise for a moment before she kissed him. Klaus instantly kissed her back, his hand cupping the back of her neck, the other supporting his weight as he leaned over her. As the kiss deepened, they entwined even more, one of Ray's hands in his hair, while the other laid on his cheek.

Finally the pulled away, there foreheads resting in one another's. "I love you too Klaus." Rays words were so firm, it made Klaus shocked. The words were foreign to him but it made his heart feel warm inside his chest, the endorphins in his brain going overdrive.

"You drive me mad in the best possible way I can think of." Klaus breathed out, his hand grilling her hair tightly. He kissed her again, this time with more force and she responded with just as much force, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Suddenly he picked her up from off the couch, walking towards the stairs while he kissed her neck. Ray blinked in surprise at his strength but didn't have time to think about it long as he nipped at her neck with want. Ray stifled a moan as he walked into her bedroom, slamming the door shut with his foot hard.

The rest of the night was followed in bliss.

The More  𝓕𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓭 𝓾𝓹 You Are, The More I like You (Klaus Hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now