Chapter 3 - End

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"I'll always be here for you, you understand?" Dean says, trailing his finger down your arm, and you simply nod, eyes still closed. After a few moments, you open your eyes, stunned at the silence. You then realize he was no longer touching you. You then realize he was never there. Only a faint memory. A hallucination. But his words are etched into your brain. You wipe your dried tear stains, and stand up, brushing yourself off. Just talk to me. I'll always be here for you. His words echo in your brain still, as you reach for the doorknob. Just talk to him. You'll feel better at least. You nod to yourself before opening the door. You eyes dart around the empty hallway before settling on the slouched figures in the corner. Dean sees you first, standing, but obviously sees the remains of tears in your eyes. His posture shifts, and the look on his face changes to concern. He cups your face in his hands and pecks you on the lips. You feel like turning away, but go with it for now.

"Y/n, babe, what's wrong?" he asks, wiping your tears with his thumbs. You hadn't noticed them falling again. You look away, ripping away from his grip.

"I... I heard what you said." you say, unsure of what he'll think. His expression changes to one of shock, then guilt.

"Wow. I just.. I didn't want this to be the way you found out." he says, fiddling with something on his shirt. You glare at him angrily.

"Oh. You think I want to find everything out via SHAPESHIFTER POSTAL SERVICE?" you say sarcastically, and Dean balls up his fists, something you didn't expect he would do. Sam looks between the two of you before clearing his throat and standing up. You know he's about to announce his exit, but he just leaves after hesitating. Finally, Dean speaks.

"Damn shapeshifter. I'm gonna punch the lights out of hi-"

"Dean, first of all, he's dead. You killed him, remember? Second of all, when were you planning on telling me?" You interrupt Dean, snapping angrily. His face turns to one of confusion.

"Telling you? Telling you what?" You can't believe what he just said. You feel both furious and broken at the same time.

"Ohh," you laugh bitterly. Dean seems almost scared of you at this point. "That's right. The sooner I leave, the better, right? Is that how it is?" You are glaring at Dean, tears in your eyes. I can't believe this guy.

"Leave? Y/n, what are you-" You turn to cut him off again.

"Oh, right. It's better that we pretend that we don't know anything after I leave, huh? You know Dean, I thought you loved me. I really did. I guess it was all just a trick." you say, your voice cold. A tear rolls down your cheek at your heartbreak, but you angrily wipe it away, wanting to seem strong. You turn to push past Dean, not wanting to see him anymore. But he stops you before you can move.

"Y/n, what is going on? I never wanted you to leave. And...and, I still love you. What are you talking about?" he asks, grabbing your arm tightly, keeping you from moving. You whirl to face him and meet his pained eyes with yours.

"I... heard what you said." you repeat your first line, your voice breaking, unsure of what was going on anymore. He urges you to go on, and you swallow hard, tasting the salty taste again. "You were saying that I was like.. dead weight, and you wanted me dead, and you wished you hadn't found me, and you didn't want to be my boyfriend, and-" Dean shushes you softly, both of you closer now. He pulls you to arm length, rubbing your arm gently.

"I never said any of that. And did you even listen to hear the rest?" he asks, your eyes finally meeting with his. You shake your head, looking down, not wanting to say anything anymore. He chuckles softly, lifting your chin to look at you.

"You silly. If you'd listened longer, you would've known that I said that... I wanted to.... propose to you." he says hesitantly, looking at you sheepishly. Your jaw drops and your breath hitches in your throat when he gets down on one knee, still holding your hand. He reaches into his breast pocket and pulls out a small ring box, opening it. 

"Y/n, I know you don't respect yourself a whole lot, but I love every single thing about you. I would love to make you my wife, and I hope you'll make me the happiest man on Earth by agreeing." he says, and all you do is nod a couple hundred times, tears coming to your eyes. And for the first time in a day, they're of joy. He smiles and stands, holding your hand. You can't help but wince when his fingers brush over your cut. He notices and flips your wrist over, no sign of the happiness moments before. He looks up at you in shock, pointing to the cut.

"Did you..." Dean trails off, and all you do is look away, holding back tears, and nod. He sighs heavily, shaking his head.

"Why?" he simply asks. 

"I... After I heard what you said... I've been considering it for the past few months. After I heard what you said in the hallway, I thought that without you, I was useless... I was unwanted. I-" he shushes you softly again, cradling your head in his arms. 

"No... and if you ever feel like this again, you know you have me and Sam to talk to. We're always here for you. You aren't useless. You are the kindest, prettiest woman in the world, who just can't see that. And that's what I'm here for." he says, smiling. You smile back at him, wondering how on Earth he was so kind at times.

"And baby girl, you'll have to realize that... you'll never be unwanted."

Unwanted (Dean x Suicidal Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum