Chapter Eleven~Framed

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"That should be all for now."

Sweet relief coursed through Mia's body as she slouched and released a breath. Her lips felt raw. She couldn't count the number of times it had been wiped, only for another swath of lipstick to be added on in a different color.

She was being photographed for the Fantasia lipstick kit. David took close-ups of her face, his lips set in a tight line of concentration. He didn't make any little jokes or talk to her, other than to tell her which way to look. No one watching could guess there was anything more between them.

Mia halted her train of thought. Because there truly wasn't. There wasn't...anything more...between them.

Karen gave her a rare smile. "Nice work, Mia. You're excused until the evening. Go get a drink and relax."

Mia's smile was one of pure relief. "Thank you."

Once she changed her clothes and collected her paycheck, she'd go home and take a long nap. There was a charity event in the evening, and her attendance was compulsory. She was supposed to attend with the other Cupids.

Returning to her dressing room, she changed into more comfortable clothes, carried her bag and left. After collecting her check, she took a cab to Mary's house and let herself in.

Mary had been wonderful to her, giving her freedom in the house. But she couldn't live there much longer. She felt like a freeloader, like someone who'd overstayed their welcome. Thankfully, her paychecks were building her a nice egg nest. Before long, she'd be able to make a sizable deposit on an apartment. She hadn't started looking but she put it down on her mental checklist. She needed a place of her own; somewhere without a leaking roof and rats! A place where she could invite friends over without feeling ashamed. She could envision a cozy little apartment with a nice living room with a good view  of the city. A sizable kitchen where she could putter around and make herself delicious meals and a comfy bedroom that would feel like home.

Then, she'd invite David over and they'd sit by the window and talk forever, just like old times.

She sighed. For someone who had resisted David's return into her life, she was becoming pretty dependent on him. It wasn't hard to do. David was an easy person to trust. A simple guy, with no hidden sides to his personality. She could always count on the fact that David would always be David, come rain or shine. He wasn't God, he couldn't be perfect but she could rest in the fact that he wouldn't purposely do anything to hurt her. Which was why she wasn't scared about how much she needed him now. The Bible described people like him as "a friend that sticks closer than a brother."

Mia had climbed the stairs when Donna's voice rang out from the kitchen. "Mia, is that you?"


"Come down here."

Mia descended the stairs, went through the living room and entered the kitchen.

Donna had her hands on her hips. Battle stance. "When last did you eat?"

"I've eaten. I ate some cereal in the morning and had some fruit at the photoshoot..."

"Fruit isn't food. You're barely eating."

Oh, she was eating, all right. She'd known hunger for a long time and these days, she wasn't taking food for granted anymore. She laughed. "Trust me. I am."

"Prove it." Donna produced a casserole dish and set it on the island, peeling back the cover. "I made lasagna."

"Ooh," Mia cooed, moving closer to the source of the tantalizing aroma. "That looks good."

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