Chapter ten~Square pegs and Round holes

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Yes, remember your Creator now while you are young, before the silver cord of life snaps and the golden bowl is broken. Don't wait until the water jar is smashed at the spring and the pulley is broken at the well. For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it~Ecclesiastes, King Solomon•

Mary's week had been hellish. She'd attended countless meetings, tolerated incompetent underlings, made appearances at industry parties and laughed with people she didn't like. The usual. Nothing she couldn't handle.

Then, why did she feel so empty inside? Spent, like the score of seemingly important things she'd done added up to nothing.

She had everything a human could possibly want. Money. Fame. Prestige. Respect. The big life. Yet she'd seen others with less more happy than she'd ever been.

Look at Mia. She'd been living in a dump, struggling to make ends meet until a silver lining appeared in the form of a new job. Then, she'd gotten kicked out of her apartment. She was practically homeless. Mary could decide to kick her out on a whim. Yet she radiated a peace that surpassed Mary's understanding. Sure, she didn't smile all the time but her attitude reflected calm, a quiet strength that couldn't easily be shaken.

What was it?

Mary shook her head, trying to clear it. She was overthinking things. Maybe she was just getting old. Maybe her body was getting weary of the hustle. That must be it, because her feet hurt like hell. She shut the door to her car and bid a good night to her driver, her heels making a rhythmic click-clack on the paved walkway as she walked towards her front door. Climbing the porch, she retrieved her keys from her bag and inserted it in the lock. Donna went home on weekends so she was surprised to find the door already unlocked. Jonathan must be home.

Her tiredness abating a little at the thought of her son inside and waiting for her, she entered and locked the door behind her. With a groan, she took off her stilettos and sighed in sweet relief when her bare feet touched the cold floor. Ah. That was better. She couldn't wait to get upstairs and take off the tight bra digging into her ribs.

Dropping her handbag beside an end table in the living room, she padded to the kitchen, about to strip off her belt when her eyes landed on the man sitting at her kitchen island, looking perfectly unconcerned as though he'd been sitting there his whole life.

Her heart jumped into her mouth before making a swift descent into her stomach. Her hands stilled on the belt at her middle.

Anthony's fathomless black eyes rose to meet hers. "Hello," he said, fiddling with his left cuff link.

"What are you doing here?"

Her senses still spinning, she stepped into the kitchen, making sure to keep the large kitchen island between them. "Where's Jonathan?"

"I had an errand for him to run."

How convenient. "What about Mia?"

"Who's Mia?" He began to roll up the left sleeve of his button-up shirt. His jacket lay folded  on top of the counter.

"Our Rauthbourne queen. She's temporarily here."

"No one was home when I got here." He rolled up his right sleeve, eyes on her.

"How did you get in?"

"I have a key."

"No, you don't."

"You gave me one a few months ago."

"When? I don't remember."

"You wouldn't. You were a little...distracted when you gave it to me."

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