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still three hours onto being entrapped

"you know you're not so bad soonyoung-ah." jihoon says.

soonyoung tries hard not to grin too much and look alike to a hamster as he replies the same to jihoon.

"you're not so bad yourself jihoonie"

just as he returned the statement with a wink, he felt his stomach grumble which is the reason for him clamping his growling stomach.

despite his constant winks and flirtatious remarks, jihoon felt comfortable with the other, doing his best not to get flustered from the (non)smooth remarks.

"hey uhm im getting kinda hungry, this is so embarrassing but  do you possibly have any food and beverage in your plastic bag there?" soonyoung said motioning the plastic bag situated near jihoon.

"okay i take back what i just said, i dislike you soonyoung-ah." jihoon jokes but still reached the plastic bag.

"you're so unkind jihoonie." soonyoung pouts cutely, literally resembling a hamster.

"nah im just kidding of course, you're so cute soonyoung." jihoon absent-mindedly says while taking out the contents.

instantly realizing what they said, the both seemed to be in a bit of shock as jihoon released those words. they both awkwardly stared into each other's eyes.

jihoon was the first to break contact though. "oh uhm excuse me for what i just said, i wasn't thinking straight since im kinda hungry myself and-"

the smaller gets cut off. "dont worry jihoonie, i completely feel the same, you're so adorable, i just wanna coop you up forever." soonyoung says pleasingly.

"whatever you say weirdo. anyways, here. help yourself, also pay me double the price on whatever items you eat okay. it was supposed to be for both my roommate and me, also for service charge." jihoon says with a firm tone.

"what! you're so heartless jihoonie." soonyoung fake cries, as he helped himself with one medium-sized chip.

"im not joking though."

"w-what really! please spare me hoonie-ah, we're all broke college students here." soonyoung whines.

"exactly." jihoon counters.

soonyoung takes a while to understand, "e-ey i can hear my withering wallet cry." he says pouting

jihoon chuckles a bit, having a tad bit of difficulty not to pinch the other's cheeks. "okay geez fine, im letting you off the hook."

soonyoung beams up at this. "yay thank you! you're the best jihoonie!"

jihoon hums in response as he grabbed himself a drink to quench his thirst.

"has anyone mentioned that you somehow resemble a hamster?" jihoon asks out of the blue from curiosity.

soonyoung looked up at him, his cheeks full of chips. "well yeah i get those sometimes, but i can be of multiple representations y'know." soonyoung seemingly boasts.

"my friends say i can be adorable off stage but when i perform on stage, i tend to project out a tiger's fierceness and gaze." he finishes off.

jihoon nods in understanding. "i think i would want to see you perform sometime.."

soonyoung's eyes widen in shock. "w-wow that's pretty straghtforward of you jihoonie. are you perhaps asking me out on a date?"

jihoon is the one who is held back at this question. "how is that even considered a date? i just wanted to see if you're really good as you just described yourself. im validating!"

soonyoung pretends to be shocked from disbelief. "are you perhaps doubting my skills hoonie-ah? i'll have you know im one of the main dancers of the school." he boasts.

the smaller rolls his eyes at him and pushes him to side playfully. "okay okay whatever you say." he says with a small laugh.

"well to make things even, i have to see you sometimes while singing or composing. y'know to make sure you're as good as you say you are." soonyoung teasingly says.

jihoon faskes gasp. "well, i'll have you know that i produce some of the most known songs in campus." the smaller counters.

"well lets see about that. oh my gosh we would make such a dynamic duo." soonyoung says the last statement internally. (A/N: HONESTLY THEY WOULD MAKE A KICKASS AND ICONIC COUPLE, I DONT MAKE THE RULES)

little did soonyoung know was that jihoon was thinking the same discreetly. "i think we would make a superb couple."





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