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*the picture above is Caroline... for those who have a question of her looks*


       The show ended and I was being bombarded by people ever since Spencer's actions. Who are you? OMG how long have you known Spencer? How is Spencer in bed? Not going to lie that last one got me a little. I didn't know what to say to these people because I don't really know what to say about this whole situation! Spencer literally asked me to be his girlfriend... Like whatttttt???? He ran off the stage and signaled for me to come over to the side, where I came from. I rummage through the crowd to try to get where I was going. I see Spencer peeking his little head through the curtains. All I could do is laugh. I finally get to where I am attempting to get to and Spencer grabs my hand. I let a out a little EEP sound and laugh.

    "What are you doing?" I laugh to him. His arms were wrapped around my torso and puts his lips to mine. I could definitely get used to. I kiss him back and I can't get this smile off my face. Right here and right now is one of the happiest moments of my life. I haven't had many happy moments. " I'm kissing my girlfriend... duh?" I push him lightly and laugh. He takes my hand and leads me back to the green room we were in before. We made our way back there and everyone from before was there. Sam was sitting with some band dude. 'Thanks for leaving me'... I said internally.

Sammy saw me and got up and did a little jig. "When??? Why??? How??" She stuttered out at me. I really didn't know how to answer her questions because I didn't know myself. I shrug and she slaps me on the shoulder. "I may have to beat you if you slap me again,". Spencer laughs and Sammy pulls her hands up in surrender.

"I think I caught Care off guard.." Spencer says awkwardly and rubs the back of his head. "Yeah, I didn't think you would ask me to be your girlfriend. I thought you hated me," I laugh and Spencer takes me hand again, and gives it an nice little squeeze. I'm Spencer's girlfriend... like holy shit. Never thought this would happen. Someone came up behind us and pat Spencer on the back. I turn around and almost shit myself.

"Congrats man, and congrats to the lady," so that's freaking Chris Motionless. I say nothing and keep my head down. If my anxiety wasn't already through the roof it was twenty times worse meeting my idol. (I know I'm dramatic but trust me... meet him and you will understand) "Thanks Chris, also this is Caroline... she is kinda a big fan of y'all," thanks Spence... now I have to look at him. I look up and Chris and awkwardly smile.

"It's nice to meet you! I hope you liked the show. Don't worry I don't bite," I laugh and another dark haired member of their band comes up from behind him. "Speak for yourself," Ricky speaks. I take my gaze over to Spencer and he just laughs. "I'm kidding. Hi, I'm Ricky," he reaches his hand out and I shake it. "Hi," was all I could muster. Damn you anxiety!! You blow. Spencer gives me a squeeze for reassurance.

"Do you guys want to come back to the bus? We have to get our shit off stage and get out of the Venue soon. We are just going to hang out and chill before we have to leave," Chris asked. Spencer and Sammy both looked to me for an answer. Why me? "Uh sure, you guys okay with that?" I ask. "Duh... come on Chris we are going to get along," she says and grabs his wrist...

"I really can't take her anywhere," I tell Spencer. He laughs and we all walk to another room that led to outside. Out of the corner of my eye I see Conor glaring at Spencer and I. Oh... I completely forgot about Conor. I never really talked to him since our date night. He seemed sad. I couldn't help but feel guilty. I definitely ditched him for Spencer. I remove my hand from Spencer's and turn around.

"I'll meet you on the bus; okay?" He nods and kisses my cheek. Leaving those sparks on my face. I wait for him to get in the bus and turn to walk to Conor. He looks at me with a blank expression and waits for me to talk.


"Hey," it was an awkward stand off. I don't really know what I wanted to say to him but all I know is I want to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Conor," he doesn't say anything. He pulls out a cigarette and puts it to him lips and lights it up. I can hear him pull it and exhale.

"Do you really like him?" He asks. I nod. I don't think I would have said yes if I didn't. "Yeah... I do,"

His face turns soar and looks away from me. "Well then I'm happy for y'all," and with that he walks away from me. Ouch. I really hurt his feelings. Maybe I really am a slut... maybe mom is right. I try to shake these thoughts from my head and stare at the bus. I inhale and exhale a very dramatic breath. I walk onto the bus and find Spencer sitting next to Ghost (let's pretend he is still in the band.)

"Hello pretty lady," I stifle a laugh and sit next to him. He throughs his arm around me and kisses my head. Sammy is placed right in Chris's lap. I guess she can do that now. Since her and what's his face broke up she hasn't had fun. So I guess she deserves this. We were all making small talk when Conor walks on the bus and pushes past us and mutters a word that is all too familiar to me and coughs. 'Slut,' I froze and didn't really know how to act. I don't think anyone really heard it because they just looked at hi confused. I look up to Spencer and his face is tight and pissed.... well he heard it.

"I think I need a cigarette," the words left my lips and Spencer grabs my hand and pulls me off the bus.


Sorry i take forever to update. I suck but college is hard. Please continue voting and leaving comments I love it! Thank you guys!


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