Broken Memories and Burnt Pages

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I knew the day wasn't going to be good when I was greeted on my way out of the hospital by a cop. Rune had just gotten the other man who showed up this morning, Kirian, to get the car when the cop came over.

"Excuse me, Ms. Wulfe?"

"Yes," I asked as I turned to him and I felt Rune very near, listening. 

"If you don't mind, can you come with me please?"

"What's the matter, officer. I just got released and I would like to go to my apartment to take a shower and rest a little."

"That's the problem, ma'am. Late last night your apartment was broken into and we need you to verify if anything was stolen."

I froze for a moment, ready to scream. But I took a deep breath and smiled.

"I will meet you there then, officer. My father would be more comfortable if my driver drives me. After everything that's happened. Is that alright?"

"Perfectly, ma'am. I'll follow behind."

"Wonderful," I said with a smile as the car pulled up and Rune opened the door. "We will see you there."

I slid into the car and Rune followed after me, Kirian driving.

"Where's my driver?"

"At home on vacation. One of us will be driving you from now on," Kirian said shortly, not turning around. 

"At least you weren't stupid enough to get in the car with him," Rune said lowly.

"Excuse me?"

"You aren't excused. For a woman who has been kidnapped as many times as you have, one would think you'd think twice before answering when someone calls your name."

"It was a cop," I defended and he looked at me. 

"Did you know it was a cop before you answered?"

"I had seen a cop."

"That's not what I asked you. I asked you if you knew, without a doubt, that the person who called your name was a cop when you answered."

I opened my mouth to say 'yes' when I realized that I didn't. I just responded without thinking and I hadn't know it was a cop.

Rune took my silence as the answer and nodded before leaning back. The rest of the drive was silent and I was trying hard not to cry. They had broken into my apartment, my one safe place.

When we arrived, there was already a uniformed car out front and our cop tail parked next to him and Kirian let us out before driving off. Emrys and two more men were already standing there and I turned my attention to the officers.

"May I go up?"

"Of course, Ms. Wulfe. Your detail already did a walk through."

"Thank you," I said as I tried not to shake.

As I walked up the stairs, I felt something forming in the pit of my stomach. This was my home. And when I pushed open the door, I looked at the wreckage and I felt myself detach. 

I was walking through my apartment but it wasn't me seeing all of this. It wasn't me walking around the throw pillows I had purchased with my friends, it wasn't me walking over the broken stained glass that used to hang in the alcove between the dining room and the kitchen. It wasn't me finding my bedroom torn to shred and my bedding on the floor. It wasn't me finding red paint splattered over my walls and photos. When I got to my studio, I cringed, not wanting to open the door but knowing I had to. 

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