Preference 1: Dating would include

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Dating Luther would Include:

- sending love letters to the moon

- Attempting to win the approval of Reginald Hargreeves to date number 1

- After good ole reggie disapproves carry on your relationship in secret

-petting his monkey arms

-tiptoe kisses

-sleeping together on the floor because he's too big for your bed

-being the little spoon

-wearing a locket with both of your initials

-being jealous of his "close" connection with Alison

- standing behind him when there's danger

-compete with the moon for Luther's attention

-giving him bananas

-calling him your spaceboy

- being his voice of reason, and convincing him to be better than his father

-helping him deal with the fact that his dad sent him to the moon and assuring him that even though it's the end of the world it really isn't the end of the world and he can shut up about it

Dating Diego would Include:

- helping him sharpen his knives

-monitoring the police radio and calling him if something's up

- him teaching you how to throw knives properly along with some self defense

-attempting to earn the approval of his mother

- lots of passionate kisses in multiple places

- him stuttering I love you.

- you helping him through the words

- staying in the car when he tells you it's to dangerous only to join him in whatever fight of the day it is moments later

- doing the fishing pole dance with him

- snuggling in his twin bed

- consoling him that he may not have been number 1 to his father but he's number 1 to you.

Dating Alison would Include:

- forbidding her to ever say the words I heard a  rumor to you to make sure your love is real

- getting harassed by the paparazzi forcing you two to hide in small spaces together

- wearing each other's jewelry and clothing

- helping her win custody of her daughter

- loving Claire as your own child

-being the center of attention in the media's eye

- attempting to earn approval from her darling daughter

- being jealous of Alison and Luther's "close" connection

- learning and teaching Alison sign language when she can't speak

- pecking her on the lips just to make Luther jealous

- getting into fights with her ex in her defense

- assuring her that she doesn't need to use her powers to get you to love her

Dating Klaus would Include:

- respecting that he was in love with Dave and realizing that you could never replace him in Klaus's heart

- doing Klaus's eyeliner and any other makeup he may wish to wear that day

-letting Klaus steal your clothes and jewelry

-comforting him when the ghosts become too much for him to handle

- attempting to gain Ben's approval

- always believing in him no matter how crazy he may seem

- indulging in his kinks

- neck kisses, so many neck kisses

- wearing Klaus's signature black coat

- taking baths together

- listening to the same song while sharing earbuds

- helping him stay sober and clean, but on those odd days that he just needs to numb himself from it all you're there for him to help him through it. Nurse him back to health and love him despite his bad coping mechanism.

- telling him how much you love him, and want him, and need him. Making sure that he knows how important he is

Dating Five would Include:

-coffee dates with peanut butter marshmallow sandwiches

- drinking margaritas with tiny umbrellas

-being jealous of Dolores (you know she says things to five when you aren't around)

- attempting to win all of his siblings approval. Even Ben.

- spacial jumping together

- falling asleep with your head on five's shoulder his head resting a top your own as he works on equations in a notebook

- loving how smart and badass he is

- getting targeted by cha-cha and Hazel But don't worry five's always there to ensure you don't die

- calling him time boy

- temple kisses

- calming him down with your presence as the end of the world slowly inches closer with every passing second.

- knowing that no matter what age or form he may be stuck in that you love him and he's your soulmate

Dating Ben would Include:

- being dead together

- helping Ben cope with his siblings stupidity/insanity

-getting teased by Klaus

-attempting to receive Klaus's approval

- wearing Ben's jacket ghosts are freezing after all

- kisses on the cheek

- wishing you could fix his statue

- riding on the hood of the ice cream truck with him

- helping him pass the time whenever Klaus is asleep

- trying to play patty cake with Klaus when Ben gets upset that it's not working.

- keeping the ghost of his father the hell away from him

- petting his tentacles to make them go away when Ben gets pissed off and they pop out

Dating Vanya would Include:

- tuning her violin and polishing it whenever it needed it

- loving her for who she is and she you

- attending all of her concerts and getting her flowers

- not being afraid of her powers

- gaining Pogo's approval

- calling her special every chance you get

- being jealous of Leonard and his interest in Vanya

- calming Vanya down when her powers go haywire

- date nights sitting in eating pizza and watching tv

- reading her autobiography

-nose kisses

- protecting her from anyone who wanted to lock her up

- treating her like the queen she is

Any preference or imagine requests? Tell me in the comments!

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