Can I Kiss You Or Not

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Following my heart will always lead me back to you"

- Faraway

My alarm went off waking me up at 6:30 am. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth and did my hair, I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a pink hoodie and put my hair in a ponytail. 

I opened my phone to text Shawn to tell him that I’m going to school today. 

I'm gonna go to school today. Good morning to you when you wake up! X

I'm already up. Can you skip school today? I want to go shopping with you. 

why are you up so early? And no, I skipped school yesterday.

I was FaceTiming Erika and I couldn't sleep, so I’ve been up since then. 

I tried to tell myself that I’m okay with it, that it’s fine and that I’m not jealous and that my heart isn't aching at the thought of them FaceTiming. Her seeing him shirtless, laying in his bed and smiling his adorable smile at her, I wonder if her heart skips a beat every time he says her name or if she gets lost in his brown chocolate eyes, or if she shivers when he tells her that she is beautiful. Does he even tell her she is beautiful? Of course he does, I reminded myself that I’m no longer the only girl he gives compliments to. 

Okay, I gotta go now. Sleep for some hours so we can hang out when I come back from school x 

 I sent him this and didn't wait for a reply, I took my school bag and went downstairs. 


"so basically, he is in a relationship now?" Maya asked me as we were on our way to the first class, Maths . 

"basically" I said. 

"aren't you sad?" she asked looking at me, I haven't really told anyone about my feelings towards Shawn and I don't plan on doing it, I feel like it's one of my secrets that no one should know about. 

"why would I?" I asked her with a confused expression, was it that obvious that I liked - still like- him? 

"I don't know, you guys seem more than just best friends. I mean, you're so touchy with each other, hug a lot and spend a lot of time together" she explains. She is right, or I prefer to think that she is right, to tell myself that I’m not imagining things and that the moments I still remember aren't just made up scenes I created in my mind. 

"we're just friends" I replied briefly.

We passed by Noah and Sarah, the cheerleading captain and the most popular girl at school. He was talking to her and he flashed me a smile when we locked eyes, I have to admit, his eyes are the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen, I remember Shawn's eyes, the dark brown eyes I’m drowning in. He is not yours Callie, he will never be. 

"hey Callie" I hear someone shouting for me. This voice is familiar, it's Noah. 

"hey" I turned around to face him, he looks so good in a denim jacket and jeans, Shawn doesn't like denim jackets. 

I really really need to stop involving him in everything, it does nothing but consume my feelings and thoughts. 

"how are you?" he asked rubbing the back of his neck. 

"good, what about you?" I asked him smiling. 

"I’m good, kind of tired because we're preparing for the upcoming match" he said 

Waiting For You // Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now